# The MIPS assembly program used for the quiz # of 21 August 1997, 1:30pm-2:00pm. # Follow the program, comment each execution # of the instructions. # main: li $4, 4 li $2, 0x10000000 sw $4, 0($2) add $2, $2, $4 mul $4, $4, $4 sw $4, 0($2) addi $3, $0, 2 L: beq $3, $0, Exit lw $5, 0($2) sub $4, $4, $5 addi $3, $3, -1 addi $2, $2, -4 j L Exit: slt $3, $5, $4 sw $3, 12($2) bne $3, $0, Exit j $31