CZ1101, Tutorial 2, Answers

It may happen that there are multiple answers to a question. Here is just my answers to the questions.
  1. (3.1) The single instruction to emulate the VAX instruction
    decl $5  # register $5 = $5 - 1
    could be
    addi $5, $5, -1
    Note that there is no such thing as subi in MIPS instruction set.

    However, if you have not learnt the immediate form of add, one might consider

    lw  $1, AddressofOne($0)
    sub $5, $5, $1
    assuming that the AddressofOne contains the address at which 1 is stored. Of course, this is not as elegant as using addi.
  2. (3.2) The VAX instruction that clears register $5:
    clrl $5  # register $5 = 0
    can be implemented in MIPS as
    add $5, $0, $0
    Any other possibilities?
  3. VAX instruction clears memory location 1000:
    clrl 1000  # memory[1000] = 0
    can be
    sw $0, 1000($0)
    with MIPS. You see that $0 = 0 permanently is handy in the above two examples.
  4. (3.4) The VAX instruction that adds 1 to register $5, place the sum back in register $5, compares the sum to register $6, and then branches to L1 if $5 < $6:
    aoblss $6, $5, L1  # $5 = $5 + 1; if ($5 < $6) goto L1
    can be synthesized in MIPS as
    addi $5, $5, 1    # $5 = $5 + 1
    slt  $1, $5, $6   # $1 = 1 if $5 < $6
    bne  $1, $0, L1   # goto L1 if $1 == 1
  5. (3.8) The incorrect program tries to copy words from the address in register $4 to the address in register $5, counting the number of words copied in register $2. The program stops copying when it finds a word equal to 0. This terminating word is be copied but not be counted.
    loop: lw   $3, 0($4)    # Read next word from source
          addi $2, $2, 1    # Increment count words copied
          sw   $3, 0($5)    # Write to destination
          addi $4, $4, 1    # Advance pointer to next source
          addi $5, $5, 1    # Advance pointer to next dest
          bne  $3, $0, loop # Loop if word copied is not zero

    Here is the bugfree version:

          addi $2, $0, -1   # * THE COUNT IS INITIALIZED TO -1
    loop: lw   $3, 0($4)    # Read next word from source
          addi $2, $2, 1    # Increment count words copied
          sw   $3, 0($5)    # Write to destination
          addi $4, $4, 4    # * ADVANCE 4 BYTES SOURCE
          addi $5, $5, 4    # * ADVANCE 4 BYTES DESTINATION
          bne  $3, $0, loop # Loop if word copied is not zero

    Starting from -1 for $2 is a trick to copy but not count the last word (of value 0). One word occupies 4 bytes.

  6. (3.9) The instruction format and the decimal values of each instruction field of the (wrong) program
    loop: lw   $3, 0($4)    
          addi $2, $2, 1   
          sw   $3, 0($5)  
          addi $4, $4, 1 
          addi $5, $5, 1
          bne  $3, $0, loop
    is (after consulting Figure 3.16 of the textbook, page 132, You are not expected to memorized the op code).
    Name Format    op   rs    rt  immediate or address  | symbolic form
    lw     I      35     4     3       0                | lw $3,0($4)
    addi   I       8     2     2       1                | addi $2,$2,1
    sw     I      43     5     3       0                | sw $3,0($5)
    addi   I       8     4     4       1                | addi $4,$4,1
    addi   I       8     5     5       1                | addi $5,$5,1
    bne    I       5     3     0       -20              | bne $3,$0,loop

    Note that they are all immediate format (I-type) instructions. The loop label is translated into -20 (by xspim), meaning, jump back by 20 bytes, counting from the current instruction bne,

  7. (3.10) From the corrected program in the answers to Exercise 3.8, the C code program that might have produced this code may look like this:
       count = -1;
       do {
          dest[count] = src[count];
       } while (src[count] != 0);
    assuming $2 coresponds count, $4 to src[], and $5 to dest[]. Of course, there are other ways of writing the same program.
  8. (3.12-3.17) There are six relative conditions between the values of two registers. Assuming that variable i corresponds to register $19 and variable j to $20, the MIPS code for the condition corresponding to these C codes can be implemented with beq bne, and slt as follows:
       C Code               MIPS Instruction
    if (i == j) goto L1;
                            beq $19, $20, L1
    if (i != j) goto L1;
                            bne $19, $20, L1
    if (i  < j) goto L1;
                            slt $1, $19, $20
                            bne $1, $0, L1
    if (i <= j) goto L1;
                            slt $1, $20, $19
                            beq $1, $0, L1
    if (i  > j) goto L1;
                            slt $1, $20, $19
                            bne $1, $0, L1
    if (i >= j) goto L1;
                            slt $1, $19, $20
                            beq $1, $0, L1

    Note that if it is not i<j, then i>=j. This fact is used in the last example.