Launch of the Organic Electronics @ NUS Science web site

17 Jan 2011. ONDL has been appointed the coordinating party for the new Organic Electronics @ NUS Science web site (http://vhosts.science.nus.edu.sg/organicelectronics/), which has been designed and is being managed by ONDL IT team. This web site collects together a few of the key organic electronics (OE) research competencies based at Faculty of Science, NUS. Its aim is to provide a “one-stop site” with useful resources for funding bodies, potential research collaborators and industry partners, post-doctoral researchers, and the general public to know more about the exciting advances being made in OE research by NUS Science.  In particular, this portal also provides useful information for prospective PhD students who are interested to do research in this field in Singapore.

© 2011 Organic Nano Device Laboratory