Chris Boothroyd is a Principal Research Fellow at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. His research is in the field of quantitative electron microscopy.
His PhD (1982 to 1986) in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, involved the characterisation of amorphous metals for use as high temperature contacts on semiconductors. From 1986 he remained in Cambridge to work on interfaces in III-V semiconductor heterostructures and the design of an imaging filter. In 1990 he was a visiting scientist at the NKK Corporation Steel Research Centre, Japan, where he investigated boron segregation in NiAl alloys using EELS and developed a method for processing energy loss spectra to remove noise. On his return to Cambridge he was appointed as a staff member at the Materials Science department where he was responsible for a VG STEM with an energy filter and later was in charge of electron microscopy teaching. His main research interests during this period were electron beam lithography and contrast in high resolution electron microscopy. He was on leave at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore during 2001 working on UHV quantitative microscopy. From September 2002 he was a Principal Scientist at IMRE and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Physics, National University of Singapore (NUS). From January 2008 he was a Senior Scientist at DTU CEN in Denmark and from July 2011 a Senior Scientist at the Jülich research centre (Forschungszentrum Jülich) in Germany. He joined Nanyang Technological University in May 2016.
School of Materials Science and Engineering | Nanyang Technological University | Dr Chris Boothroyd
Forschungszentrum Jülich | ER-C | Dr Chris Boothroyd
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE)
National University of Singapore (NUS) |
Department of Physics |
Dr Chris Boothroyd (NUS Physics)
University of Cambridge |
Materials Science |
Cambridge EM group |
Dr Chris Boothroyd (Cambridge)