Physics Engagement Camp 2022

The Physics Engagement Camp 2022 was held on December 12-13, and 15. Looking to inspire pre-university students in physics, as well as enrich their physics knowledge, the NUS Physics Society organises this annual outreach event for all students.
The event is split into different age groups - Secondary School, and Tertiary Education. For pre-university students, the events serves as a stepping stone into the world of physics in NUS. For NUS student volunteers, this event is an opportunity to share the beauty of physics and to reach back out to the community.
For both events, esteemed Professors hold lectures on various broad topics in physics, ranging from the depths of quantum nonlocality to the far reaches of gravitational wave astronomy.

Students also get a chance to observe various physical phenomena at play, and understand the complex mechanics behind them. Various booths were held, with students getting hands on to try out the system for themselves.
To see the real physics-in-action, the students were brought around to the laboratories here in NUS. There, real-time experiments were demonstrated, probing at the tiniest cracks in reality around us. From biophysics to particle accelerators, students enjoyed a tour of the world-class facilities here at NUS.

A sharing session by our university undergraduate students and staff took things back to a serious note. What is life at NUS Physics like? What can I do if I take a course of studies in physics? These questions were answered by our experienced team of speakers, who provided different perspectives at different stages of their physics journey.
Overall, the students had a great time during the event. Many new bonds were made, and the minds of physics has grown a little deeper, and a little wider.