Department of Physics
Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP)
Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS)
Professorial Inaugural Lecture, 26 April 2001
Sound examples for Professorial Inaugural Lecture
Other lectures/talks/papers/articles:
The 'creativity gap' and developing countries (New Scientist, 14 May 1970)
Recordings of some of my compositions in MP3 format and on YouTube
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Transmitting Values to University Students in an Age of High Technology Education (CDTL Orientation Programme, 7 September 1999)
The Christian Faith and the New Physics (Talk at Trinity Theological College, 15 October 1999)
The Origins of the Internet in Singapore (Envision, Jan-Mar and April-June 2000)
NUS and its Students (CDTL Orientation Programme, 21 July 2001)
Choral Repertoire - A Singapore Composer's Perspective (Asia South Pacific Symposium on Choral Music, 15 August 2001)