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1) Name of Officer : Prof Bernard Tan Tiong Gie
2) Name in Chinese characters:
3) Present Appointment with date: Professor in Physics
National Universityof Singapore
(wef 1 November 2000)
4) Present Job Title with date: (same as 5)
5) Date and Place of Birth: 18 May l943; Singapore
6) Citizenship : Singaporean
7) Race : Chinese
8) Marital Status : Married, two sons
9) Religion (Denomination) : Methodist
10) Whether Born into the Religion or Converted : Born
11) Date of Conversion : N.A.
12) Language/Dialect - Written: English
- Spoken: English, Malay
13) Secondary schools attended and year: Anglo-Chinese School (l950-1961)
14) GCE O level or equivalent:
15) GCE A level or equivalent:
Subject Grade
General Paper 1
Mathematics 3
Physics 1
Chemistry 3
16) Tertiary/Professional/ OtherQualifications:
l962 : Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music
(LRSM) in pianoforte
l964 : Associate of Trinity College of Music
London (ATCL) in pianoforte
l965 : Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physics
1st Class, University of Singapore
l969 : Doctor of Philosophy in Electronics,
Oxford University, UK
l972 : Chartered Engineer
l972 : Member of Institution of Electrical
Engineers (MIEE), UK
1973 : Member of Institution of Electronic &
Radio Engineers (MIERE), UK
1976 : Licentiate-in-Music of Trinity Collegeof
Music London (LMusTCL) in Theory of
l989 : Fellow of Trinity College of Music London
in Composition
2004 : Diploma in Financial Engineering (ACCA)
17) ECA records : Music, reading
18) Postings and Promotions:
April 1965 to Sept 1965 : Teacher, Anglo-Chinese School
l968 : Lecturer, University of Singapore
l976 : Senior Lecturer, University of Singapore
l977 -1978 : Acting Head, Department of Music
National Universityof Singapore
(concurrent appointment)
l982 : Associate Professor in Physics
National Universityof Singapore
2000 : Professor in Physics
National University of Singapore
1 July l985 to 30 June l997 : Dean of Science
National University of Singapore
1 July 1997 to 31 Jan l998 : Head, Department of Physics
National University of Singapore
1 July 1997 to 14 Oct 1998 : Director, Office of Student Affairs
University of Singapore
15 Oct 1998 to 31 Dec 2002 : Dean of Students
University of Singapore
June 2005 to June 2017: Director, Centre for Maritime Studies
National University of Singapore
July 2017 to present:
Emeritus Professor, Department of Physics
University of Singapore
19) Directorships of companies/Memberships of Statutory Boards:
Member, Board of Directors, Keppel Corporation Ltd
Member, Board of Directors, CSA Holdings Ltd
Chairman, Keppel Group Cooperative Credit Union Ltd
Chairman, Keppel Hitachi Zosen Ltd
Member, National Arts Council
20) Courses/Conferences attended :
UNESCO regional seminar for leaders of youth science activities in Asia,New Delhi (1970)
UNESCO regional meeting on trends and problems in science and technology education in Asia, Singapore (1976)
International conference on teaching aids in physics education, Madras (1984)
EDUCOM Conference, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. (1985)
International conference on educational developments for higher learning, Singapore (1987)
Conference on adult and continuing education into the 21st century organised by Asia-South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education and the Singapore Association for Continuing Education, Singapore (1996)
2nd BP (British Petroleum) international conference on students as tutors and mentors, London (April 1997)
Europe Wall Street Journal Conference on Converging Technologies, Brussels (June 1997)
SAL X-ray Lithography Business Summit, Burlington,Vermont U.S.A.(September1998)
21) Scholarships/Bursaries/Academic Award:
Prize for First Class Honours from University of Singapore (1965)
Commonwealth Scholarship (1966-1968)
22) Honours and Awards:
Public Service Medal (PBM) (1982)
Chevalier dans l'ordre des Palmes Academique (1988)
Public Service Star (BBM) (1990)
Administration Medal (Silver)(PPA) (1993)
Public Service
Star (Bar) (BBM(L)) (2001)
IPS (Institute of Physics, Singapore) President's Prize, 2005
23) National Service Record:
LTA in PDF Engineer Battalion (ROD)
Course leadership/organization
From the very beginning of my academic career in NUS, I have been deeply involved in the planning and organization of courses in the Department of Physics. I chaired a number of curriculum committees in the Department. As Dean of Science, I was responsible for the entire teaching programme of the Faculty of Science.
Development of new courses; practical exercises
I have been fully or partially responsible for several new courses in the Department of Physics including Electronics, Microprocessors, Solid-State Physics and Acoustics. One important teaching contribution was the introduction of microprocessors into the curriculum in the seventies. I believe this was the first time this subject entered the curriculum in the Faculty, and possibly the university. I was responsible for setting up the first microprocessor teaching experiments in the Department of Physics and designed several new experiments in this field.
As Dean of Science, I was fully or partially responsible for the initiation of the following new courses, departments or programmes:
Computational Science
Materials Science
Cell and Molecular Biology
Computational Finance
Clinical Pharmacy
Semiconductor Technology
Use of innovative teaching methods, including use of IT
I have been using the World-Wide Web for my teaching since 1994 (and possibly earlier). I believe I am one of the first NUS academic staff members to put up a webpage for my class. This webpage was for the Physics Department Year 3 Microprocessors class (currently PC2219 Microprocessor Architecture and Programming) in 1994, using a server based in the office of the Dean of Science. I also used email to communicate with my students and to answer theirquestions.
Contributions to published cases, text-books, software and other teaching materials
I have published several papers on various aspects of physics or electronics education. Please see Papers No. 3, 6, 8, 9 and 11 in my publications list under International Refereed Journals.
Teaching Awards
I received the Faculty of Science Award for Innovative Teaching in July 1998 for my contribution to the setting up of the Special Programme in Science, now a component of the Talent Development Programme.
Participation in thesis and oral examination committees
As Dean of Science, I chaired all oral examination panels for Masters and Ph.D.candidates. As a member of the Department of Physics, I participate in thesis committees in subjects related to my research interests.
Research students supervised
Graduate students who have graduated/completed
Low Hua Kin - Ph.D.
Prediction and measurement of airborne sound transmission through building partitions
(Thesis was submitted to the University but not examined for non-academic reasons)
Oh Kheng Hoe - M.Sc.
Microwave measurement of material properties
Tan Kah Chye - Ph.D.
Restoration of digital images by digital processing
Gan Seum-Lim - M.Sc.
Digital Synthesis of musical sounds
Oh Kheng Hoe - Ph.D.
Experimental and theoretical study of charging processes in dielectrics
Chow Kok Wah - M.Sc
An improved training algorithm for neocognitron
Ding Xiao Zhou - Ph.D.
Properties,characterisation and application of dielectrics
Chen Linfeng - Ph.D.
Studies of materials properties using microwave techniques
Lim Soh Min - Ph.D.
Digital musical synthesis methods and parameter extraction
Goh Zenton - Ph.D.
Speech enhancement methods
Ho Kwok Chiang - Ph.D.
Array signal processing with electromagnetic antennas
Yu Gongqiang - Ph.D.
perception of sound
Kong Jong Ren - M.Sc
X-ray lithography
Liu Ning - Ph.D.
sound synthesis techniques
Final and Honours year research projects
Kwok Chow Thim - Bachelor of Architecture project
Acoustical analysis of Victoria Memorial Hall
Tay Lim Pin - Honours project
12-bit digital time delay for the 6809
Sia Lai Chai - Honours project
The 6800 card
Gary Tan Soon Huat - Honours project
Fast fourier transform for the 6502
Hee Peng Boon, Daniel - Honours project
1/f spectral analysis for music and speech with the Apple II microcomputer
LimYan Hock - Honours project
Harmonic analysis of three Chinese musical instruments
Ong Thai Hean - Honours project
12-bit digital audio time delay system
Steven Su Kim Whatt - Honours project
Fast fourier transform for the 8086
Gan Seum-Lim
1/f spectral analysis of Chinese music and speech with the FFT spectrum analyzer
Teo Kok Leong - Honours project
Frequency modulation technique of sound synthesis
Lim Soh Min - Honours project
Digital synthesis of musical sounds using double frequency modulation
Liu Ning - Honours project
Computer optimization of digital sound synthesis parameters
Current graduate and honours students
Wang Enbo - Ph.D.
Wavelet analysis of musical tones
Ignatius Wong - Honours project
Wavelet analysis of piano tones
1. Research Programme
My research activity may be divided into the two main sub-headings:
(a) Solid-state physics and materials science
(b) Acoustics and signal processing.
Solid-state physics and materials science
I have carried out research in the area of conducting polymers as part of the Physics Department surface science group collaborating with the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. I collaborated with Prof Tan Kuang Lee onthe measurements using ESCA(XPS) techniques on the conducting polymers prepared by our colleagues in these two departments. Many important results have been obtained on the properties of such new polymers.
In addition, I have carried out work on the use of innovative microwave techniquesto measure the electrical properties of solids, and in particular their dielectric properties. My collaborators included Prof Ong Chong Kim as well as a number of graduate students, some of whom have obtained or are working towards their Ph.D.
Acoustics and signal processing
This work falls into two sub-areas: acoustics and image processing. Under acoustics, the work can again be divided into digital synthesis of musical instruments using novel and more efficient techniques than those at present, and a psychoacoustic investigation into the perception of sound from three sources, with particular interest in the Haas effect. I have a number of graduate students assisting me on these areas.
The image processing work, in collaboration with A/P Lim Hock and a graduate student, was a ground breaking study of advanced techniques in image deblurring.We discovered a number of extremely effective techniques for deblurring superior to any known technique. Other work currently in progress includes the enhancement of noisy speech signals, and new techniques in the estimation of direction of arrival of radio signals using vector sensors.
2. Support for Research
University research grants
As principal investigator
Time delays in sound reinforcement systems
National University of Singapore Academic Research Fund RP800039
$36,500 (1980)
Microwave measurement of semiconductor properties
National University of Singapore Academic Research Fund RP860617
$17,200 (1986)
Digital synthesis of musical instrument waveforms
National University of Singapore Academic Research Fund RP830089
$4,980 (1983), $10,248 (1992)
Time delays in stereophonic perception
National University of Singapore Academic Research Fund RP860618
$19,500 (1986), $38,000 (1991), $31,500 (1993), $26,700 (1994)
Measurements of microwave dielectric properties of crystals
National University of Singapore Academic Research Fund RP940604
$15,000 (1994)
Study of hydration of cement-based materials using RF impedance and microwave measurement methods
National University of Singapore Academic Research Fund RP3972674
$70,830.50 (1997)
The precedence effect with three sound sources
National University of Singapore Academic Research Fund RP981657
$79,600 (1998)
As collaborator
Upgrading of surface science facility for SIMS studies of advanced materials
National University of Singapore Academic Research Fund RP970601
$2,250,000 (1997)
Research projects funded by government agencies or industry
Synchrotron radiation facility for economically relevant and applied research
National Science and Technology Board and National University of Singapore AcademicResearch Fund RP3602045
$39,000,000 (1997)
(This is a major project whose objective is to acquire and set-up a synchrotron radiation x-ray source which is now a national facility for research in materials science, nanotechnology, micromachining and x-ray lithography.)
3. National/International recognition for research
Membership on institutional, national or international scientific advisory boards
Chairman, Management Committee
Bioscience Centre
National University of Singapore
(1993 - 1997)
Chairman, Management Board
Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing
National University of Singapore
(1993 - present)
Chairman, Steering Committee
Singapore Synchrotron Light Source
National University of Singapore
(July 1997 - Mar 1998)
Member, Pro-tem Management Committee
Singapore Synchrotron Light Source
National University of Singapore
(Aug1998 - May 1999)
Member, Management Board
Member, Executive Committee
Singapore Synchrotron Light Source
National University of Singapore
1999 - 2002)
Chairman, Management Board
Member, Executive Committee
Singapore Synchrotron Light Source
National Universityof Singapore
(2002 - present)
Member, Management Committee/Board
Information Technology Institute
(1988- 1992)
Member, Advisory Committee
Institute of Microelectronics
National University of Singapore
(1992 - 1997)
Member, Advisory Committee/Management Board
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
National University of Singapore
(1990 - 1996)
Member, Advisory Committee/Management Board
Institute of Molecular Agrobiology
National University of Singapore
(1994 - 1997)
Membership of editorial boards; conference committees
Chairman of Programme Committee, National AI Conference, 1985, organised by Science Council, Singapore
Member, Advisory Committee, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 1997, Singapore
Member, Editorial Board, Singapore Journal of Physics
Chairman,Technical Committee, International Computer Music Conference, NUS Singapore,2003.
Service as reviewer for manuscripts submitted to peer-reviewed journals
I have acted as a reviewer for the following journals:
Journal of Singapore National Academy of Science (Singapore)
Singapore Journal of Physics (Singapore)
Microprocessors and Microsystems (U.K.)
Invited presentations at scientific meetings/workshops
Out-of-school science activities in Singapore
UNESCO regional seminar for leaders of youth science activities in Asia
New Delhi (1970)
The inter-relationship between science and technology education
UNESCO regional meeting on trends and problems in science and technology education in Asia
Singapore (1976)
Microprocessors and physics teaching
International conference on teaching aids in physics education
Madras (1984)
Science, high technology and the individual (Invited keynote address)
International conference on educational developments for higher learning
Singapore (1987)
Continuing education and the challenge of the 21st century (Invited keynote address)
Conference on adult and continuing education into the 21st century organised by Asia-South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education and the Singapore Association for Continuing Education
Singapore (1996)
The mentor: an attainable role model (Invited keynote address)
2nd BP (British Petroleum) international conference on students as tutors and mentors
London (April 1997)
Invited to speak as member of panel on internet regulation
Europe Wall Street Journal Conference on Converging Technologies
Brussels (June 1997)
Invited to speak on Singapore’s X-ray lithography plans
SAL X-ray Lithography Business Summit
Burlington, Vermont (September 1998)
4. Other creative work
I was instrumental in the introduction of BITNET to NUS, which was the precursor of Internet in Singapore. In 1985, I represented the University at the EDUCOM Conference in Austin, Texas. EDUCOM is the leading organization in the U.S. and the world for the use of computers and IT in higher education. EDUCOM at that time operated an international computer network called BITNET, which was an inexpensive way for universities to connect to the Internet. When I returned, I strongly recommended to the Director of the Computer Centre that we join EDUCOM and connect ourselves to BITNET. NUS was the first institution in Asia outside Japan to be connected to BITNET and hence to the Internet.
I was also instrumental in the introduction of video conferencing as a teaching tool in NUS. The Faculty of Science was the first faculty to have a videoconferencing session between a class in NUS and a distinguished professor in the U.S. (Prof Gordon Davis, former Shaw Professor and Professor of MIS at the University of Minnesota.)
University Service (only major contributions listed)
Acting Head, Department of Music (1977-1978)
Associate Director, Centre for Musical Activities (1979-1993)
Vice-Dean, Faculty of Science (1979-1965)
Dean, Faculty of Science (1985-1997)
Head, Department of Physics (1997-1998)
Director, Office of Student Affairs (1997-1998)
Dean of Students (1998 - 2002)
Acting Director, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (2000 - 2002)
Director, Centre for Maritime Studies (2005 - present)
Chairman, IMCB Holdings (1995-1997)
Chairman, Academic Staff Workstation Committee (1994 - present)
Chairman, Management Committee, Bioscience Centre (1993 -1997)
Chairman, Management Board, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (1993 - present)
Chairman, Steering Committee, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (July 1997- Mar 1998)
Member, Pro-tem Commitee, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (Aug 1998 - May 1999)
Member, Management Board, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (May 1999 - 2002)
Chairman, Management Board, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (2002 - present)
Member, Executive Committee, Management Board, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (May 1999 - present)
In charge of NUS foreign outreach programme to recruit top foreign students (1997 - 1998)
Chairman, Talent Development Programme Committee (1997 - 1998)
Chairman, ITA (Institute of the Arts) Committee (Oct 1998 - July 1999)
Chairman, Protem Committee, Institute of the Arts, (July 1999 - present)
Member, Governing Board, NOL (Neptune Orient Lines) Fellowship (February 2006 - present)
Public service
Member, Board of Directors, Singapore Symphonia Company
(1979 - present)
Member, Board of Directors, Singapore Dance Theatre
(1987 - Dec 1998)
Resource panel member, Government Parliamentary Committee on Education
(1990 - 1995)
Member, Steering Committee, Singapore Arts Centre (The Esplanade)
(1993 - present)
Council Member, Science Council of Singapore
(1988 - 1991)
Board Member, National Science and Technology Board
(1991 - l993)
Board Member, National Computer Board
(l988 - 1994)
Board Member, National Parks Board
(l992 - 1996)
Council Member, National Arts Council
(l991- August 1999)
Director, Singapore Arts Centre Co Ltd (The Esplanade)
(l992 - Dec 1998)
Chairman, Science and Technology Committee, SingaporeYouth Awards, National Youth Council (1996 - 2005)
Member, SingaporeYouth Awards Panel, National Youth Council (1996 - 2005)
Board Member, National Library Board (l995 - 2001)
Chairman, Organising Committee, Sing Singapore, National Arts Council (1996 - 2004)
Chairman, Steering Committee, Singapore Festival of Arts
(1997 - 2004)
Chairman, National Internet Advisory Committee (NIAC)
(1996 - present)
Chairman, Arts Civic Group, National Library Board (July 1999 - 2001)
Member, Loke Cheng-Kim Foundation Scholarship Panel (1990 - present)
Chairman, Keppel Corporation Scholarship Panel (1990 - present)
National Computer Board Scholarship Panel (1999 - 2001)
Member, Public Education Committee on the Family, Ministry of
Development and Sports (2000 - 2002)
Chairman, Action Group on Youth, Educational and Uniformed
Institutions, Public Education Committee on the Family, Ministry
of Community
Development and Sports (2000 - 2002)
Council Member, Singapore Kindness Movement (2001 - 2003)
Chairman, National Advisory Committee on Laboratory Animal
Research (NACLAR)
(2003 - present)
Chairman, Arts Consultative Panel, Media Development Authority
(2004 - present)
A*GA (A*STAR Graduate Academy) Scholars’ Advisor
(2005 - present)
Service to Profession/industry
Member, Board of Directors, Keppel Corporation Ltd
(1982 - 2003)
Member, Board of Directors, CSA Holdings Ltd
(1991 - 2005)
Chairman, Keppel Group Cooperative Credit Union Ltd
(1987 - present)
Chairman, IMCB Holdings Pte Ltd
(l996 - 1998)
Chairman, Keppel Hitachi Zosen Ltd
(l998 - July 2000)
Member, Board of Directors, k1 eBiz Ltd
2000 - 2004)
Cadi Scientific Pte Ltd
- present)
Member, Board of Directors, Keppel Telecommunications and Transportation
(2003 - present)
Vice-President, The Institute of Physics, Singapore
(1985- 2000)
President, The Institute of Physics, Singapore
2000 - 2004)
Vice-President, Singapore National Academy of Science
- 2004)
Chairman, Audio Engineering Society SingaporeSection
(June 2005 - present)
March 2006