Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 14:09:14 +0800 (SGT) From: Yung Shing Gene To: Dear all, Here are some further notes for this assignment. Question #1 =========== Hand in the program listing. At each line (after the '#') put the contents of the registers and/or memory locations which have been changed. For example: li $2, 10 # $2=0x0000000a (10) sw $2, 4($4) # [0x10000014] = 0x0000000a (10) (usually the [] brackets are used to denote "contents of...") Use the hexadecimal format to write addresses and contents of registers/memory. Get used to writing in hexadecimal! Note that I'm NOT going to accept just decimal. Using SPIM ---------- SPIM might actually be a little easier and less confusing to use than xspim for this simple program. To run SPIM, just type "spim" at your command prompt. It will print some messages and give a prompt "(spim)" where you can enter SPIM commands. Here are some useful SPIM commands: (1) load - load your assembly program into spim. e.g. load "follow2.s" (note that the double quotes around the filename are necessary) Your program will be loaded into memory locations starting from 0x00400020. That address is the location of the first instruction of your program i.e. where 'main' points to. Note that SPIM starts its execution from 0x00400000. This means that when you run your program, SPIM will execute some of its own instructions first to set things up and then it will jump to your program at 0x00400020. (Same for xspim) (2) run - run your program. This command will tell spim to run your program from beginning to end without pause. To tell SPIM to stop at a particular instruction and examine register contents, you must use the 'breakpoint' command (see below). Alternatively, you can use the 'step' command to run your program one instruction at a time (see below). (3) breakpoint - set a breakpoint at an address e.g. breakpoint 0x00400020 When using the 'run' command, setting a breakpoint at a particular address will cause SPIM to stop at that address and wait for your further instructions. This is useful for looking at the contents of a register or memory location at specific points in the program (see below for how to examine registers). To continue 'run'ning the program, use the 'continue' command. Or to proceed one instruction at a time, use 'step' (see below). (4) step - execute one instruction at a time (equivalent to having a breakpoint at every instruction) or, step executes n instructions at a time. (5) print - display the contents of a register or memory location. e.g. 'print $2' displays the contents of register $2 (both hex and decimal) 'print 0x10000000' displays the contents of memory location 0x10000000 (6) ? - display a help page Remember that your program only starts at 0x00400020, while SPIM starts at 0x00400000. So to get to the start of your program, you can do a couple of things: 1. Set a breakpoint at 0x00400020 and use 'run'. 2. Use 'step' several times, until you reach your first instruction. Then after that you can use a combination of 'step' and 'print' to see what happens in your program. Question #2 =========== You will need to write a program in assembly language to do 2 things: 1. Compute the sum 1^4 + 2^4 + ... + n^4 for n=3; and 2. Compute the Right-hand expression. (note that this is ONE program only) For the 1st part, you can just do straight multiplication and addition. You may also implement a loop to compute the sum which, of course, will earn you more credit, and more marks :) So try to do the loop version. The lecture notes has some examples which you can use to help you. Your program does not have to output to results to the screen or anything like that. Just leave the results of the 1st part in one register, and the results of the 2nd part in another register. AND make sure you place appropriate comments there! Use blank lines to separate logical blocks of code... there must be a least one blank line between each part. I don't want to see one mass of code without any comments or appropriate blanks! (It is in your best interests to keep your Tutor's level of irritation as low as possible....). A rule of the thumb is to write your program in such a way that another person can read and understand your code as easily as possible. For more credit/marks, hand in output to your results. You can do this in a few ways: a) Use 'script' and SPIM to print out the contents of your results registers; b) Code your program to output the results to the screen, with only your assembly program, or together with a C program (i.e. the C program calls your assembly program, gets the results from the assembly program, and then prints it out). Note that this method is only for those who are interested enough to figure it out, so don't waste your time trying this unless you have lots of leftover time and energy. Naturally, you'll get the most extra credit if you are able to do this. What to hand in --------------- The assembly program listing (properly commented) and output, if you are able to. Report also your findings/results. Tips on how to approach Assembly programming -------------------------------------------- For those who are new to programming, write out each step that the copmuter is supposed to carry out in PLAIN ENGLISH first. This is called pseudo-code. Then, translate it into assembly. For example, here is an excerpt from the lecture notes for this week, for the problem of calculating 1^3 + 2^3 + ... 1000^3: 1. Let sum = 0, and n = 0 2. increase n by 1 3. compute y = n*n*n 4. add y to sum 5. if n < 1000 go back to step 2, otherwise the computation is done. Due date is Tues, 19 August. regards, --Yung Shing Gene T.A. for CZ1101