Tutorial 1, Answers

  1.   (.1) q           (.6) d            (.10) o
      (.2) u           (.7) i            (.11) w
      (.3) f           (.8) k            (.12) p
      (.4) a           (.9) j            (.13) n
      (.5) c
  2. A compiler might translate f = -p*r + (a/b)*a*a - b into
       mul $10, $3, $4    # $10 = p*r
       sub $2, $0, $10    # $2 = -p*r
       div $10, $5, $6    # $10 = (a/b)
       mul $10, $10, $5   # $10 = (a/b)*a
       mul $10, $10, $5   # $10 = (a/b)*a*a
       add $2, $2, $10    # $2 = -p*r + (a/b)*a*a
       sub $2, $2, $6     # $2 = f = -p*r + (a/b)*a*a - b
  3. To save the trouble of commenting each instruction, I just say that the program stores the value 1,2,3 into memory locations starting from 0x10000000. Then it loads the same set of values and add 1 to each, and saves them (2,3,4, respectively) in the next three locations in memory.
  4. The binary encoding is
         Decimal     Hexadecimal       Symbolic
      35 2 5   0      0x8c450000     lw $5, 0($2) 
       0 5 3 5 0 32   0x00a32820     add $5, $5, $3
      43 2 5  12      0xac45000c     sw $5, 12($2)