CZ1101, Tutorial 3, Answers

  1. (3.5) The VAX instruction that subtracts 1 from register $5, placing the difference back in register $5, and then branches to L1 if $5 > 0:
    sobgtr $5, L1    # $5 = $5 - 1; if ($5 > 0) goto L1
    can be done in MIPS as
       addi $5, $5, -1   # subtract 1, placing the difference back
       slt  $1, $0, $5   # $1 = 1 if (0 < $5)
       bne  $1, $0, L1   # branch if ($5 > 0) is true
  2. (3.6) The single MIPS instruction for this C statement
    a = b + 100;
    is just
       addi $11, $12, 100   # add an immediate value with b, result in a
    assuming a corresponds to register $11 and b corresponds to register $12.
  3. (3.7) Assuming c corresponds to register $13 and the array x[] begins at memory location 4,000,000, Assuming that the array is array of words, the C statement
    x[10] = x[11] + c;
    can be translated into MIPS instructions as
       addi $3, $0, 4000000    # $3 contains starting address of array x[]
       lw   $4, 44($3)         # load x[11] which is 11*4 bytes array
       add  $4, $4, $13        # calculate the sum
       sw   $4, 40($3)         # store in x[10]

    I don't see a way of doing it by a single instruction. Since 4000000 is bigger than 16 bits, the value in $3 needs to be set in two steps (lui and add). This requires the knowledge of binary representation of the constant 4000000. We'll learn that in the next Chapter 4. Assembler can do this for you anyway. We should not worry too much about it.

  4. (3.18) The instruction
    beq $2, $3, L1
    will compare the contents of $2 and $3 and branch to L1 if they are equal. Unfortunately, there is no single instruction that can be used to compare $2 with an immediate value, such as 14. Let's look at the instruction encoding format. The op field needs 6 bits, two registers occupied 10 bits, and the label (immediate value) used 16 bits. If one of the field for registers is used for an immediate value, the value can only be 5-bit wide, which is too small to be useful. The following instructions will branch to L1 if $2 is equal to 14.
       addi $3, $0, 14
       beq  $2, $3, L1
  5. (3.19) Following fragment of C code
    for(i = 0; i <= 100; ++i) {
       a[i] = b[i] + c;
    can be translated into MIPS instructions as (assuming that a and b are arrays of words at addresses 1500 and 2000, respectively. Register $15 is associated with variable i and $16 with c.)
          addi $4, $0, 1500      # starting address of a[]
          addi $5, $0, 2000      # starting address of b[]
          add  $15, $0, $0       # initialize i to zero
          slti $2, $15, 101      # if (i >= 101)
          beq  $2, $0, Exit      # goto exit
          lw   $3, 0($5)         # load b[i]
          add  $3, $3, $16       # add the constant c
          sw   $3, 0($4)         # store in a[i]
          addi $4, $4, 4         # address for next element of a[]
          addi $5, $5, 4         # address for next element of b[]
          addi $15, $15, 1       # increment index i by 1
          j    Loop              # loop back
    The number of instructions executed for the above program is 3 + 9*101 + 2 = 914. And 101*2 = 202 memory data references will be made during execution.
  6. (4.3-4.5) The problems are to convert decimal number 512, -1,023, and -4,000,000, into 32-bit two's complement binary numbers. Since I know 2 to the power 9 is 512. So The binary number for 512 is
       00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000
    For -1023, we consider the positive number 1023 = 2^10 - 1
       00000000 00000000 00000011 11111111
    Using the shortcut rule to negate the value
       11111111 11111111 11111100 00000000   <- Invert
       11111111 11111111 11111100 00000001 = -1023_ten   <- Add 1

    For -4000000, I don't see any tricks, we have to use the division method. But consider positive value 4000000.

                     quotient remainder
       4000000 / 2 = 2000000    0
       2000000 / 2 = 1000000    0
       1000000 / 2 =  500000    0
        500000 / 2 =  250000    0
        250000 / 2 =  125000    0
        125000 / 2 =   62500    0
         62500 / 2 =   31250    0
         31250 / 2 =   15625    0
         15625 / 2 =    7812    1
          7812 / 2 =    3906    0
          3906 / 2 =    1953    0
          1953 / 2 =     976    1
           976 / 2 =     488    0
           488 / 2 =     244    0
           244 / 2 =     122    0
           122 / 2 =      61    0
            61 / 2 =      30    1
            30 / 2 =      15    0
            15 / 2 =       7    1
             7 / 2 =       3    1
             3 / 2 =       1    1
             1 / 2 =       0    1
    So the binary representation for +4000000 is
       00000000 00111101 00001001 00000000
    So the negated value -4000000 is
       11111111 11000010 11110111 00000000
  7. (4.6-4.8) The two's complement value of the bit patterns?
    1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000 1100
    1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
    0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
    Convert the first into positive number
       00000000 00000000 00000001 11110100
    This number is 256+128+64+32+16+4 = 500. So the original number is -500.

    The second number is -1. The last number is the largest positive number 2^31-1 = 2147483647.