CZ1101, Tutorial 4, Answers

  1. The binary/hexadecimal conversion is
    1100 1010 1111 1110 1111 1010 1100 1110
     C    A    F    E    F    A    C    E
  2. (4.1) The bit pattern
    1000 1111 1110 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000
  3. (4.21) Shortest sequence of MIPS instructions to determine the absolute value of a two's complement integer.
    abs  $10, $11   # $10 = |$11|
    can be
       add $10, $0, $11    # $10 = $11
       slt $1, $11, $0     # ($11<0)?
       beq $0, $1, L       # skip if ($11>=0)  
       sub $10, $0, $11
  4. (4.28) [5] The full MIPS instruction set has two more logical operations not mentioned thus far: xor and nor. The operation xor stands for exclusive OR, and nor stands for not OR. The table that follows defines these operations on a bit-by-bit basis.
         a     b      a xor b      a nor b
         0     0         0            1
         0     1         1            0
         1     0         1            0
         1     1         0            0
    Minimal MIPS instruction sequence for a new instruction called not that takes the one's complement (invert 0 and 1) of a source register and places it in a destination register
    not  $10, $20
    can be implemented as an MIPS instruction by
       nor $10, $0, $20
    We can also say
      nor $10, $20, $20
      addi $1, $0, -1     # $1 = 0xFFFFFFFF
      xor  $10, $20, $1
  5. [15] 6-bit two's complement representations of the integers a=29, b=31, c=-31, are
       a = 011101,  b = 011111, c = 100001
    Let's compute
       a + b               a - b              b - a
       011101 -> 29        011101             011111
     + 011111 -> 31      - 011111           - 011101
     --------           ---------          ---------
       111100 -> -4        111110 -> -2       000010 -> +2
       a + c               a - c              c - a
       011101 -> 29        011101             100001
     + 100001 ->-31      - 100001           - 011101
     --------           ---------          ---------
       111110 -> -2        111100 -> -4       000100 -> +4
                           Overflowed         Overflowed
    Multiplication should be done with Booth's algorithm if there are negative values involved.
  6. [10] Compute the product of two 5-bit unsigned binary numbers, 10101 x 11010: (a) the paper-pencil (longhand) way:
                10101  -> 21
              x 11010  -> 26
           + 10101
          + 10101
           1000100010  -> 546

    (b) follow the steps of third multiplication algorithm. This third algorithm is:

    Initially 5-bit M contains the multiplicand 10101. 10-bit P contains multiplier 11010.

    Repeat the steps 5 times.

    1. If P0 = 1, Ph = Ph + M (add M to the upper half of P, if the 0-th bit of P is 1).
    2. P = P >> 1 (shift P right 1 bit).

Here are what happened in register P, (M contains 5-bit 10101 all the time).

   Iteration      steps               P

       0         initial         00000 11010

       1         1. do nothing   00000 11010
                 2. P=P>>1       00000 01101
       2         1. Ph+M         10101 01101
                 2. P=P>>1       01010 10110
       3         1. do nothing   01010 10110
                 2. P=P>>1       00101 01011
       4         1. Ph+M         11010 01011
                 2. P=P>>1       01101 00101
       5         1. Ph+M        100010 00101  <- Overflowed here
                 2. P=P>>1       10001 00010

Note that at the last step of addition, overflow occurred, our algorithm is not totally correct due to this.

Booth algorithm version can be performed similarly.