Why do we need to know how the brain works?
It is not necessary to believe that the neural network models have anything to do with the nervous system, but it helps. | |
The ideas, facts, experiments from cognitive science and neuroscience help to design and construct neural networks (the real brain works). |
The brain is good at
Association [Singapore --- LKY; 8- fortune] | |
Classification and Categorization [Animal (move, eat, breath, skin)-> Bird (fly)] | |
Generalization [missile -> antimissile -> antimissile missile->antiantimissile missile] | |
Rapid Response and Quick Inference from inadequate data [You can recognize your mother 10 meter away within a second][pattern recognition of exam problems] |
The hardware is simple
The elementary computing units are neurons. [1010-1011 of them] | |
Connections are important [1014-1015] | |
Neurons are metabolically very active [25% of the body energy, only 1-2% of body weight] | |
Some claim that we only use about 10% of the brain, is it true? The neurons must earn their keep. |
Generic Neuron
Axon --- very long, may runs for meters.
Body --- soma
Information flow: dendrites -> soma (body) -> axon -> synapses->other neurons