Answers to Final Exam (on 25 August 2003)

1.  (a)  a can not be modified
    (b)  b points to a fixed address
    (c)  c points to const int, *c cannot be modified 
    (d)  d has the properties of (b) and (c) 
    (e)  the function f() does not modify *e
    (f)  g() does not modify member data
    (g)  h() returns a const reference, thus cannot be a lvalue

    (a) static variable i is initialized once to 0 for the first call;
        value of i is retained between several calls to f().
    (b) static member data j is shared by all instances of the class;
        it exists even before the creation of any object.  We can access
        by Test::j or obj.j. 
    (c) static member function is used to access static member data;
        Can be used before any object is created, by Try::fun().  

    (a) 1 or 3  (e.g. int j = int();)
    (b) 3
    (c) 3
    (d) 1
    (e) 3
    (f) 3   (cannot return a local variable)

4.  (a)  ofstream myfile("data.dat", ios::out);
         for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
            myfile << i << endl;
    (b)  n = strlen(a);
         b = new char[n+1];
         strcpy(b, a);
    (c)  int countf(void) {
            static int cnt = 0;
            return ++cnt;
    (d)  template 
         T myabs(T x) {
            return (x < 0)? -x : x;
    (e)  double myabs(complex x)
            return sqrt(* +*;
         // assume complex is defined as a structure

    (a) public:
    (b) a[5][2];
    (c) for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { }
    (d) x = (a < b)? 0 : 1; 
    (e) int *const p = &i;
    (f) ~B();
    (g) T f(T y) { ... }

See program matrix.cpp.