Welcome to NUS! The University performs cutting-edge
research over a range of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas. The ODPRT
mission is to facilitate research at NUS, and establish world-leading research
programmes. ODPRT oversees the 23 NUS university-level
research institutes and centres and 3 Research Centres of
Excellence, sets policies for research, oversees the allocation of strategic
research funds, and works to expand research funding. ODPRT also maintains the
Research Integrity Code, oversees the NUS Institutional Review Board (IRB), the NUS Institutional Animal Care
& Use Committee (IACUC) and the NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering
ODPRT aims to support researchers in every way possible.
Direct feedback
from researchers to the ODPRT is always welcome.
Professor Barry
Deputy President (Research and Technology)
"Energy-Gap Opening in a Bi(110) Nanoribbon Induced by Edge
Prof Andrew Wee Thye Shen
Dept of Physics
Faculty of
"Pragmatic Resistance, Law, and Social Movements in Authoritarian
States: The Case of Gay Collective Action in Singapore"
(Law &
Society Association Honorable Mention for Article Prize, 2013)
Asst Prof Chua Lynette J.
Faculty of Law
"Private Lives: An Exposé of Singapore's Rainforests"
Ms Wang
Luan Keng, Asst Prof Darren C.J. Yeo and Mr Kelvin
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research