
5th Asian Conference on Ultrafast
Phenomena (ACUP 2008)
6 - 9 January 2008
National University of Singapore
The 5th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena
will be held at the National University of Singapore in 2008. The
conference, to be held from 6 to 9 January 2008, brings together
academics in the ultrafast laser field in the Asian region to present
and discuss new developments. ACUP, with similar scopes
as the International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, will give
experts in Asia a regional platform to publicize their latest results,
exchange ideas and foster closer interaction. Focusing on all aspects
of the science and applications of ultrafast phenomena in physics,
chemistry, biology and optoelectronics, ACUP was first held at the
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science in 1999.
Subsequently it was held biennially at Kobe University in 2001, at
Peking University in 2004, and at the Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology in 2006.
Asian scientists working in the field of
ultrafast phenomena are all welcome to make oral or poster
contributions. We are looking forward to meeting you in Singapore.
After-deadline submission is still welcome. |