About Us
PhySoc logo, edited by Neo Ho (2012)
Welcome to the homepage of the NUS Physics Society!
NUS Physics Society, though having a small committee of 15 students, has a big heart for the welfare of all the Physics majors. Every year, the number of Physics majors in NUS adds up to about 250 students. We are here to go all out to make our university life more memorable for all the young Physicists in NUS. We want to hear you, and do something that can make everyone's life better! Besides, we also act as a bridge between the student body and the teaching/administrative staff. We want to remove the gap between students and staff, and make the NUS Physics department a lovely place to be in.
As such, we organise activities like the Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration, Staff and Student Games, and many other fun and food oriented activities, to make Physics majors get out of their study room, and have some fellowship with friends, professors and tutors. For the academic part, we also provide past year paper solutions for students to download, enabling students to be more prepared for exams. We also hold career talks, to ensure that our young physicists know where to go after their undergraduate life. At the same time, we do not forget the freshies too! In the beginning of every academic year, we will organize a Physics Orientation Day for freshmen interested in taking up Physics as a major. We will bring you around the Physics department, answer your doubts, and make you feel comfortable with the new environment.
By default, every Physics major is a member of the Physics Society. If you would like to join our committee, do come for our Annual General Meeting, and nominate yourself! All we need is someone who is consistent, responsible, and has a heart for the Physics community.
Oh yes, Physics majors rock!! :D
Professor BG Englert with his Classical Mechanics class students (AY2012/2013) (photo by Laurentcia).
Professor BG Englert with his Classical Mechanics class students (AY2011/2012).