J.-S. Wang, List of Publications:
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google scholar)
| R. H. Swendsen and J.-S. Wang, ``Replica Monte Carlo
simulation of spin-glasses,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. {57}, 2607 (1986).
| R. H. Swendsen and J.-S. Wang, ``Nonuniversal critical
dynamics in Monte Carlo simulations,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. {58}, 86
| J.-S. Wang and R. H. Swendsen, ``Monte Carlo
renormalization-group study of Ising spin glasses,''
Phys. Rev. B {37}, 7745 (1988).
| J.-S. Wang and R. H. Swendsen, ``Low-temperature properties
of the ±J Ising spin glass in two dimensions,''
Phys. Rev. B {38}, 4840 (1988).
| J.-S. Wang and R. H. Swendsen, ``Monte Carlo and
high-temperature-expansion calculations of a spin-glass effective
Hamiltonian,'' Phys. Rev. B {38}, 9086 (1988).
| J.-S. Wang and J. L. Lebowitz, ``Phase transitions and
universality in nonequilibrium steady states of stochastic Ising
models,'' J. Stat. Phys. {51}, 893 (1988).
| M. Q. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, J. L. Lebowitz, and J. L. Vallés,
``Power law decay of correlations in stationary nonequilibrium lattice
gases with conservative dynamics,'' J. Stat. Phys. {52}, 1461
| K. Binder and J.-S. Wang, ``Finite-size effects at critical
points with anisotropic correlations: phenomenological scaling
theory and Monte Carlo simulations,'' J. Stat. Phys. {55}, 87
| J.-S. Wang, K. Binder, and J. L. Lebowitz, ``Computer
simulation of driven diffusive systems with exchanges,''
J. Stat. Phys. {56}, 783 (1989).
| J.-S. Wang, R. H. Swendsen, and R. Kotecký,
``Antiferromagnetic Potts models,''
Phys. Rev. Lett. {63}, 109 (1989).
| J.-S. Wang and D. Chowdhury, ``The critical behaviour of the
three-dimensional dilute Ising model: universality and the
Harris criterion,'' J. Phys. France {50}, 2905 (1989).
| J.-S. Wang, ``Clusters in the three-dimensional Ising model
with a magnetic field,'' Physica A {161}, 249 (1989).
| J.-S. Wang and D. Stauffer, ``Fractal dimension of 3D
Ising droplets,'' Z. Phys. B {78}, 145 (1990).
| J.-S. Wang, W. Selke, Vl. S. Dotsenko, and V. B. Andreichenko,
``The two-dimensional random bond Ising model at criticality -
a Monte Carlo study,'' Europhys. Lett. {11}, 301 (1990).
| J.-S. Wang, W. Selke, Vl. S. Dotsenko, and V. B. Andreichenko,
``The critical behaviour of the two-dimensional dilute Ising magnet,''
Physica A {164}, 221 (1990).
| J.-S. Wang, ``Critical dynamics of the
Swendsen-Wang algorithm in the three-dimensional Ising model,''
Physica A {164}, 240 (1990).
| J.-S. Wang, M. Wöhlert, H. Mühlenbein, and D. Chowdhury,
``The three-dimensional dilute Ising magnet,''
Physica A {166}, 173 (1990).
| J.-S. Wang, R. H. Swendsen, and R. Kotecký,
``Three-state antiferromagnetic Potts models: A Monte Carlo study,''
Phys. Rev. B {42}, 2465 (1990).
| V. B. Andreichenko, Vl. S. Dotsenko, W. Selke, and J.-S. Wang,
``Monte Carlo study of the 2D Ising model with impurities,''
Nucl. Phys. B {344}, 531 (1990).
| J.-S. Wang and R. H. Swendsen, ``Cluster Monte Carlo algorithms,''
Physica A {167}, 565 (1990).
| T. S. Ray and J.-S. Wang, ``Metastability and nucleation in
Ising models with Swendsen-Wang dynamics,''
Physica A {167}, 580 (1990).
| P. Nielaba, V. Privman, and J.-S. Wang, ``Kinetics of multilayer
adsorption: Monte Carlo studies of models without screening,''
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {23}, L1187 (1990).
| V. Privman, J.-S. Wang, and P. Nielaba,``Continuum limit in
random sequential adsorption,'' Phys. Rev. B {43}, 3366 (1991).
| R. Dickman, J.-S. Wang, and I. Jensen, ``Random sequential
adsorption: series and virial expansions,''
J. Chem. Phys. {94}, 8252 (1991).
| R. Hilfer and J.-S. Wang, ``Analysis of multilayer
adsorption models without screening,''
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {24}, L389 (1991).
| J.-S. Wang and K. Binder, ``Wetting transitions in
polymer blends: A Monte Carlo lattice simulation,''
J. Chem. Phys. {94}, 8537 (1991).
| J.-S. Wang and K. Binder, ``Enrichment of the chain ends in polymer
melts at interfaces,'' J. Phys. I France, {1}, 1583 (1991).
- R. H. Swendsen, J.-S. Wang, and A. M. Ferrenberg, ``New
Monte Carlo methods for improved efficiency of computer
simulations in statistical mechanics,'' in
The Monte Carlo Method in Condensed Matter Physics,
ed. K. Binder, (Springer, Berlin),
Topics in Applied Physics Vol 71 p. 75, (1992).
| J.-S. Wang, ``Cluster Monte Carlo algorithms
in statistical mechanics,'' proceedings of `Workshop on
Fermion Algorithms,'
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C {3}, 209 (1992).
| J.-S. Wang and K. Binder, ``Chain linear dimensions
in the surface-enriched layer of polymer mixtures,''
Makromol. Chem., Theory Simul. {1}, 49 (1992).
| V. Privman and J.-S. Wang, ``Asymptotic layer coverage in
deposition models without screening,'' Phys. Rev. A {45}, R2155 (1992).
| J.-S. Wang, P. Nielaba, and V. Privman, ``Collective effects
in random sequential adsorption of diffusing hard squares,''
Mod. Phys. Lett. B {7}, 189 (1993).
- P. Nielaba, V. Privman and J.-S. Wang, ``Irreversible
multilayer adsorption,'' in Computer Simulation Studies in
Condensed-Matter Physics VI, D. P. Landau,
K. K. Mon, H.-B. Schüttler, eds. p.143, Springer Proceedings
in Physics, Vol. 76, (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993).
|| J.-S. Wang, P. Nielaba, and V. Privman,
``Locally frozen defects in random sequential
adsorption with diffusional relaxation,''
Physica A, {199}, 527 (1993).
| P. Nielaba, V. Privman, and J.-S. Wang, ``Irreversible multilayer
adsorption,'' in the proceedings Phase Transitions at Interfaces,
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalsche Chemie,
{98}, 451 (1994).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``A fast algorithm for random sequential adsorption
of discs,'' Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, {5}, 707 (1994).
| A. Esser, V. Dohm, M. Hermes, and J.-S. Wang, ``Field theory of
finite-size effects in Ising-like systems,'' Z. Phys. B {97}, 205 (1995).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Anisotropic finite-size scaling analysis of a
two-dimension driven diffusive system,'' J. Stat. Phys. {82}, 1409 (1996).
|| R. K. Heilmann, J.-S. Wang and R. H. Swendsen, ``Rotationally symmetric
ordered phase in the three-state antiferromagnetic Potts model,''
Phys. Rev. B {53}, 2210 (1996).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Cluster Monte Carlo algorithms and their applications,''
in Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 1035, Recent Developments in
Computer Vision, (ACCV'95 Invited Session Papers), S.Z. Li, D.P. Mital,
E.K. Teoh, and H. Wang (eds.), p.307, (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) 1996.
| G. G. Pereira and J.-S. Wang, ``A Monte Carlo study of wetting
transitions in polymer blends confined to a capillary,'' J. Chem. Phys. {104},
5294 (1996).
|| C. K. Gan and J.-S. Wang, ``An algorithm for series expansions based
on hierarchical rate equations,'' J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {29}, L177 (1996).
| G. G. Pereira and J.-S. Wang, ``Effect of van der Waals surface
interactions on wetting transitions in polymer blends,''
Phys. Rev. E {54}, 3040 (1996).
| G. G. Pereira and J.-S. Wang, ``Wetting transitions in polymer blends:
comparison between simulation and theory,'' J. Chem. Phys. {105},
3849 (1996).
|| J.-S. Wang and R. B. Pandey, ``Kinetics and jamming coverage in a
random sequential adsorption of polymer chains,'' Phys. Rev. Lett.
{77}, 1773 (1996).
|| C. K. Gan and J.-S. Wang, ``Series-expansion studies of
random sequential adsorption with diffusional relaxation,''
Phys. Rev. E {55}, 107 (1997).
| G. G. Pereira and J.-S. Wang, ``Effect of diffusional
relaxation in random sequential adsorption of polymer chains,''
Physica A {242}, 347 (1997).
|| C. K. Gan and J.-S. Wang, ``Extended series expansions for
random sequential adsorption,'' J. Chem. Phys. {108}, 3010 (1998).
|| J.-S. Wang and C. K. Gan, ``Nonequilibrium relaxation of the
two-dimensional Ising model: Series-expansion and Monte Carlo studies,''
Phys. Rev. E {57}, 6548 (1998).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Random sequential adsorption, series expansion
and Monte Carlo simulation,'' Physica A {254}, 179 (1998).
- J.-S. Wang, ``Ising relaxation dynamics, series expansions and
Monte Carlo simulations,'' in Recent Developments in
Computer Simulation studies in Condensed Matter Physics, Vol XI, p.125,
D. P. Landau and H. B. Schuettler, eds., (Springer-Verlag, 1999).
|| K.-t. Leung and J.-S. Wang,
``Anisotropic finite-size scaling analysis of a
three-dimensional driven-diffusive system,''
Inter. J. Mod. Phys. C {10}, 853 (1999).
|| J.-S. Wang, T. K. Tay, and R. H. Swendsen,
``Transition matrix Monte Carlo reweighting and dynamics,''
Phys. Rev. Lett. {82}, 476 (1999).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``local, cluster, and transitional Monte Carlo dynamics,''
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Transition matrix Monte Carlo method,'' CCP98 conference
proceedings, Comp. Phys. Commu. {121-122}, 22, (1999).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Is the broad histogram random walk dynamics correct?''
Eur. Phys. J. B {8}, 287 (1999).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Series expansion and computer simulation studies
of random sequential adsorption,'' Colloids and
Surfaces A, {165}, 325 (2000).
|| J.-S. Wang and L. W. Lee, ``Monte Carlo algorithms based on the number
of potential moves,'' CCP99 conference proceedings,
Comp. Phys. Commu. {127}, 131 (2000).
|| R. H. Swendsen, B. Diggs, J.-S. Wang, S.-T. Li, C. Genovese, and
J. B. Kadane, ``Transition matrix Monte Carlo,''
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C {10}, 1563 (1999).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Flat histogram Monte Carlo method,''
StatPhys-Taiwan 1999 conference proceedings,
Physica A {281}, 147 (2000).
| J.-S. Wang, ``Taylor series expansion and computer simulation studies of
random sequential adsorption,'' ICCP5 conference proceedings,
Kanazawa, Japan, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.
No 138, 433 (2000).
| J.-S. Wang, ``Flat histogram Monte Carlo method,''
ICCP5 conference proceedings, Kanazawa, Japan,
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No 138, 454 (2000).
|| C.-P. Chng and J.-S. Wang, ``Unequal intralayer coupling in a bilayer
driven lattice gas,'' Phys. Rev. E {61}, 4962 (2000).
| S.-Y. Cheng, J.-S. Wang, and G. Xu, ``Microstructural studies of organic
light-emitting devices by Monte Carlo simulation of two-dimensional triangles,''
Phys. Rev. B {62}, 11405 (2000).
|| Z. F. Zhan, L. W. Lee, and J.-S. Wang, ``A new approach to the
study of the ground-state properties of 2D Ising spin glass,''
Physica A {285}, 239 (2000).
| L. Yi and J.-S. Wang, ``Conductance oscillations in interacting
mesoscopic systems with multiple energy levels: quantum interference,''
Phys. Rev. B {63}, 073304 (2001).
| J. Cai and J.-S. Wang, ``Reconstruction of Si(001) and adsorption
of Si adatoms and ad-dimers on the surface: Many body potential calculations,''
Phys. Rev. B {64}, 035402 (2001).
|| J.-S. Wang and R. H. Swendsen, ``Transition matrix Monte Carlo method,''
J. Stat. Phys. {106}, 245 (2002).
- J.-S. Wang, ``Flat-histogram and free energy calculation,'' in
OCPA 2000: Proceedings of the Third Joint Meeting of Chinese Physicists
Worldwide, p.244, N.-P. Chang, K. Young, H. M. Lai, C.-Y. Wong
(eds.), World Scientific, Singapore (2002).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Efficient Monte Carlo simulation methods in statistical
physics,'' in `Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2000', p.141,
K.-T. Fang, F. J. Hickernell, and H. Niederreiter (eds.), Springer-Verlag,
Berlin (2002).
| J. Cai and J.-S. Wang, ``Reconstruction of Si(001):
a comparison study of many body potential calculations,''
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) {223}, 773 (2001).
| J. Cai and J.-S. Wang, ``Molecular dynamics study of the
friction properties for a Ge tip-surface system,'' in
`Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Science of
Surface and Nanostructures', Surf. Rev. and Lett. {8}, 581 (2001).
| L. Yi and J.-S. Wang, ``Universal quantum fluctuations and crossover
phenomena in tunneling through small Coulomb islands,''
Chin. Phys. Lett. {19}, 1333 (2002).
| L. Yi and J.-S. Wang, ``Interference effects, universal fluctuations,
and crossing phenomena in the intermediate coupling regime: strongly
interacting transport,'' Phys. Rev. B {66}, 085105 (2002).
| L. Yi and J.-S. Wang, ``Interference and coherence in electron
tunnelings through quantum dots,'' Phys. Lett. A {301}, 327 (2002).
| L. Yi and J.-S. Wang, ``Quantum coherence tunnelings: multi-Kondo
peaks and anomalous Coulomb oscillations,'' Comm. in Theor. Phys.
{39}, 373 (2003).
- J.-S. Wang, ``Methods for computing density of states for
statistical mechanical models,'' in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics XIV, p. 113,
Eds. D. P. Landau, S. P. Lewis, and H. B. Schuettler (Springer Verlag,
Heidelberg, 2002).
| J. Cai and J.-S. Wang, ``Friction between a Ge tip and the (001)-2x1
surface: A molecular-dynamics simulation,'' Phys. Rev. B {64}, 113313
|| D. Chowdhury and J.-S. Wang, ``Flow properties of driven-diffusive
lattice gases: theory and computer simulation,'' Phys. Rev. E {65},
046126 (2002).
|| L. W. Lee and J.-S. Wang, ``Flat histogram simulation of lattice
polymer systems,'' Phys. Rev. E {64}, 056112 (2001).
| X. S. Gao, J. Lim, J. M. Xue, J.-S. Wang, J.-M. Liu, and J. Wang,
``A Monte-Carlo simulation of B site order-disorder transformation in
Pb[Sc1/2Ta1/2]O3 triggered by mechanical activation,''
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, {14}, 8639 (2002).
|| J.-S. Wang, O. Kozan, and R. H. Swendsen,
``Binary tree summation Monte Carlo method for Potts models,''
in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XV, p.189,
Eds. D. P. Landau, S. P. Lewis, and H. B. Schuettler (Springer Verlag,
Heidelberg, 2002).
| J. Cai and J.-S. Wang, ``Adsorption and diffusion of Si on the Si(001):
an empirical potential calculation,'' Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B {16},
621 (2002).
|| J.-S. Wang, O. Kozan, and R. H. Swendsen, ``Sweeny
and Gliozzi dynamics for simulations of Potts models in the
Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation,'' Phys. Rev. E {66}, 057101 (2002).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Binary tree summation Monte Carlo simulation
for Potts models,'' Physica A, {321}, 351 (2003).
| J. Cai and J.-S. Wang, ``Modeling generalized stacking fault in Au
using tight-binding potential combined with a simulated annealing
method,'' Euro. Phys. J. B {28}, 45 (2002).
| J. Cai and J.-S. Wang, ``Energies and structures of stacking
faults of Ag from the tight-binding method calculation,''
Modeling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. {10}, 469 (2002).
| J. Cai and J.-S. Wang, ``Friction between Si tip and (001)-2x1
surface: A molecular-dynamics simulation,'' Comp. Phys. Comm.
{147}, 145 (2002).
|| J.-S. Wang and Y. Okabe, ``A comparison of extremal optimization
with flat-histogram and equal-hit dynamics for finding spin-glass ground
states,'' J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. {72}, 1380 (2003).
| A. D. Güçlü, J.-S. Wang, and H. Guo,
``Disordered quantum dots: a diffusion quantum Monte Carlo study,''
Phys. Rev. B {68}, 035304 (2003).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Transition matrix Monte Carlo and flat-histogram
algorithm,'' in AIP conference proceedings 690: The Monte Carlo Method in
the Physical Sciences, Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Metropolis
Algorithm, Los Alamos, 2003. ed. J. E. Gubernatis, p.344.
|| J.-S. Wang and B. Li, ``Intriguing heat conduction of a chain with
transverse motions,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. {92}, 074302 (2004).
| H. A. Wu, G. R. Liu, and J.-S. Wang,
``Atomistic and continuum simulation on extension behaviour of single
crystal with nano-holes,'' Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng.,
{12}, 225 (2004).
|| J.-S. Wang and B. Li, ``Mode-coupling theory and molecular dynamics
simulation for heat conduction in a chain with transverse motions,''
Phys. Rev. E {70}, 021204 (2004).
| Z. Yao, J.-S. Wang, G.-R. Liu, and M. Cheng, ``Improved neighbor list
algorithm in molecular simulations using cell decomposition and data sorting
method,'' Comp. Phys. Commun. {161}, 27 (2004).
|| Z. Yao, J.-S. Wang, B. Li, and G.-R. Liu, ``Thermal conduction of
Carbon nanotubes using molecular dynamics,'' Phys. Rev. B {71}, 085417 (2005).
|| J.-S. Wang and R. H. Swendsen, ``Replica Monte Carlo simulation
(revisited),'' Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. {157}, 317 (2005).
| Y.-Q. Zhang, G.-R. Liu, and J.-S. Wang, ``Small-scale effects on
buckling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes under axial compression,''
Phys Rev. B {70}, 205430 (2004).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Worm algorithm for two-dimensional spin glasses,''
Phys. Rev. E {72}, 036706 (2005).
| S. Radjiman, L. Han, J.-S. Wang, and Y. Z. Chen,
``Super paramagnetic clustering of DNA sequences,''
J. Biological Phys. {32}, 11 (2006).
| D. Mi, G. R. Liu, J.-S. Wang, Z. R. Li, ``Relationships between
the folding rate constant and the topological parameters of small
two-state proteins based on general random walk model,''
J. theo. Bio. {241}, 152 (2006).
|| J. Wang and J.-S. Wang, ``Ballistic thermal conduction across
acoustically mismatched solid junctions,'' unpublished.
|| J. Wang and J.-S. Wang, ``Mode-dependent energy transmission across
nanotube junctions calculated with a lattice dynamics approach,''
Phys. Rev. B {74}, 054303 (2006).
|| J. Wang and J.-S. Wang, ``Carbon nanotube thermal transport: ballistic
to diffusive,'' Appl. Phys. Lett. {88}, 111909 (2006).
|| J. Du, B. Zheng, and J.-S. Wang, ``Dynamic critical exponents for
Swendsen-Wang and Wolff algorithms obtained by a nonequilibrium relaxation method,''
J. Stat. Mech.: theo. exp. P05004 (2006).
|| J.-S. Wang, J. Wang, and N. Zeng, ``Nonequilibrium Green's function
approach to mesoscopic thermal transport,'' Phys. Rev. B {74}, 033408 (2006).
| D. Duong-Hong, J. Han, J.-S. Wang, N. G. Hadjiconstantinou,
Y. Z. Chen, and G.-R. Liu,
``Realistic simulations of combined DNA electrophoretic and
electroosmotic flows and EOF in nano-fluidic devices,''
Electrophoresis, {29}, 4880 (2008).
|| J. Wang and J.-S. Wang, ``Characteristics of phonon transmission across
epitaxial interfaces: a lattice dynamic study,''
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, {19}, 236211 (2007).
| D. Duong-Hong, J.-S. Wang, G.-R. Liu, Y. Z. Chen, J. Han,
and N. G. Hadjiconstantinou, ``Dissipative particle dynamics simulations of
electroosmotic flow in nano-fluidic devices,'' Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,
{4}, 219 (2008).
|| J.-S. Wang, N. Zeng, J. Wang, and C. K. Gan, ``Nonequilibrium Green's
function method for thermal transport in junctions,'' Phys. Rev. E {75}, 061128 (2007).
|| J. T. Lü and J.-S. Wang, ``Coupled electron and phonon transport
in one-dimensional atomic junctions,'' Phys. Rev. B {76}, 165418 (2007).
|| J. Wang and J.-S. Wang, ``Dimensional crossover of thermal
conductance in nanowires,'' Appl. Phys. Lett. {90}, 241908 (2007).
|| J.-S. Wang, ``Quantum thermal transport from classical
molecular dynamics,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. {99}, 160601 (2007).
| Z. Li, G. R. Liu, Y. Z. Chen, J.-S. Wang, H. Bow, Y. Cheng, and J. Han,
``Continuum transport model of Ogston sieving in patterned nanofilter arrays for
separation of rod-like biomolecules,'' Electrophoresis, {29}, 329 (2008).
|| D. Chowdhury, A. Garai, and J.-S. Wang,
``Traffic of single-headed motor proteins KIF1A: effects of lane changing'',
Phys. Rev. E {77}, 050902(R) (2008).
||| J.-S. Wang, J. Wang, and J. T. Lü, ``Quantum thermal transport
in nanostructures,'' Eur. Phys. J. B {62}, 381 (2008).
|| J. T. Lü and J.-S. Wang, ``Coupled electron-phonon transport
from molecular dynamics with quantum baths,''
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, {21}, 025503 (2009).
| N. Zeng and J.-S. Wang, ``Mechanisms causing thermal
rectification: the influence of phonon frequency, asymmetry,
and nonlinear interactions,'' Phys. Rev. B {78}, 024305 (2008).
| D. Chowdhury, A. Garai, P. Greulich, K. Nishinari,
A. Schadschneider, T. Tripathi, and J.-S. Wang,
``From CA to gene expression: machines and mechanisms,''
in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol {5191}, 1 (2008).
N. Zeng and J.-S. Wang, ``Thermal rectification in one-dimensional chain,''
in Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories: Proceedings
of the 14th International Conference, Barcelona, p.431,
J Boronat, G. E. Astrakharchik, and F. Mazzanti, eds. (World Scientific, 2008).
| R. Wang, J.-S. Wang, G.-R. Liu, J. Han, and Y.-Z. Chen,
``Simulation of DNA electrophoresis in systems of large
number of solvent particles by coarse-grained hybrid
molecular dynamics approach,'' J. Comput. Chem. {30}, 505 (2008).
| M. Hu, P. Keblinski, J.-S. Wang, and N. Raravikar,
``Interfacial thermal conductance between silicon and a vertical
carbon nanotube,'' J. Appl. Phys. {104}, 083503 (2008).
|| Y. Xu, J.-S. Wang, W. Duan,
B.-L. Gu, and B. Li,
``Nonequilibrium Green's function method for phonon-phonon
interaction and ballistic-diffusive thermal transport,''
Phys. Rev. B {78}, 224303 (2008).
|| J. T. Lü and J.-S. Wang, ``Quantum phonon transport
of molecular junctions amide-linked with carbon nanotubes:
a first-principles study,'' Phys. Rev. B {78}, 235436 (2008).
|| J. Wang and J.-S. Wang, ``Single-mode phonon transmission
in symmetry-broken carbon nanotubes: role of phonon symmetries,''
J. Appl. Phys. {105}, 063509 (2009).
|| L. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li, ``Ballistic
magnetothermal transport in a Heisenberg spin chain at low
temperatures,'' Phys. Rev. B {78}, 144416 (2008).
| J. Lan, J.-S. Wang, C. K. Gan, and S. K. Chin,
``Edge effects on quantum thermal transport in graphene nanoribbons:
tight-binding calculations,''
Phys. Rev. B {79}, 115401 (2009).
| Z. R. Li, G. R. Liu, J. Han, Y. Cheng, Y. Z. Chen,
J.-S. Wang, and N. G. Hadjiconstantinou,
``Analytical description of Ogston-regime biomolecule separation
using nanofilters and nanopores,'' Phys. Rev. E, {80}, 041911 (2009).
| Z. R. Li, G. R. Liu, J. Han, Y. Z. Chen, J.-S. Wang, and
N. Hadjiconstantinou, ``Transport of biomolecules in
asymmetric nanofilter arrays,'' Anal. Bioanal. Chem.
{394}, 427 (2009).
- X. Gao, J.-S. Wang, G.-R. Liu, Y. Z. Chen, J. Han,
D.-H. Duc, ``Establishing structure-function relationship
for molecular sieving: dissipative particle dynamics
simulations of DNA polymers,''
|| E. Cuansing and J.-S. Wang, ``Quantum transport in
honeycomb lattice ribbons with armchair and zigzag edges
coupled to semi-infinite linear chain leads,'' Eur. Phys. J. B
{69}, 505 (2009).
| Y.-Z. Sun, L. Yi, and J.-S. Wang, ``Effects
of Dzyaloshinksy-Moriya interaction on planar rotator
model on triangular lattice,'' Commun. Comput. Phys. {11}, 1169 (2012).
|| J.-S. Wang and L. Zhang, ``Phonon Hall thermal conductivity from the
Green-Kubo formula,'' Phys. Rev. B {80}, 012301 (2009).
|| L. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li, ``Phonon Hall effect in four-terminal
junctions,'' New J. Phys. {11}, 113038 (2009).
|| J.-W. Jiang, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li,
``Thermal conductance of graphene and dimerite,'' Phys. Rev. B {79}, 205418 (2009).
|| J.-W. Jiang, J. Chen, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li, ``Edge states induce
boundary temperature jump in molecular dynamics simulation of heat
conduction,'' Phys. Rev. B {80}, 052301 (2009).
|| J.-S. Wang, X. Ni, and J.-W. Jiang,
``Molecular dynamics with quantum heat baths: application to nanoribbons
and nanotubes,'' Phys. Rev. B {80}, 224302 (2009).
| G. Liang, W. Huang, C. S. Koong, J.-S. Wang, and J. Lan,
``Geometry effects on thermoelectric properties of silicon
nanowires based on electronic band structures,''
J. Appl. Phys. {107}, 014317 (2010).
|| J.-W. Jiang, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li, ``Young's modulus of graphene:
A molecular dynamics study,'' Phys. Rev. B {80}, 113405 (2009).
| J. W. Jiang, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li, ``Topology-induced thermal
rectification in carbon nanodevice," Europhys. Lett.
{89}, 46005 (2010).
| X. Ni, G. Liang, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li, ``Disorder enhances
thermoelectric figure of merit in armchair graphane
nanoribbons,'' Appl. Phys. Lett. {95}, 192114 (2009).
|| J.-W. Jiang, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li, ``Thermal expansion
in single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene: Nonequilibrium Green's function approach,''
Phys. Rev. B {80}, 205429 (2009).
|| L. Zhang, Y. Yan, C.-Q. Wu, J.-S. Wang, B. Li, ``Reversal
of thermal rectification in quantum systems,''
Phys. Rev. B {80}, 172301 (2009).
|| E. C. Cuansing and J.-S. Wang, ``Transient behavior
of heat transport in a thermal switch,'' Phys. Rev. B
{81}, 052302 (2010); erratum {83}, 019902(E) (2011).
|| J.-W. Jiang, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li, ``Thermal
contraction in silicon nanowires at low temperatures,''
Nanoscale, {2}, 2864 (2010).
| L. Hu, L. Zhang, M. Hu, J.-S. Wang, B. Li, and P. Keblinski,
``Phonon interference at self-assembled monolayer interfaces: Molecular
dynamics simulations,'' Phys. Rev. B {81}, 235427 (2010).
|| L. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, and B. Li, ``Ballistic thermal
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| Z. Q. Bai, L. Shen, Q. Y. Wu, M. G. Zeng, J.-S. Wang, G. Han, and Y. P. Feng,
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| J. Lan, Y. Cai, G. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, and Y-W. Zhang,
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|| J.-S. Wang and J. Peng, ``Capacitor physics in ultra-near-field heat
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|| H. Zhou, G. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, and Y.-W. Zhang,
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|| J. Peng, H. H. Yap, G. Zhang, and J.-S. Wang,
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| W. Shi, G. Wu, X. Yong, T. Deng, J.-S. Wang, J.-C. Zheng, J. Xu,
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|| J.-C. Ren and J.-S. Wang, ``Origin of unexpected large Seebeck effect
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|| J. Peng and J.-S. Wang, ``Current induced heat transfer in double-layer
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| X. Yong, W. Shi, G. Wu, S. S. Goh, S. Bai, J. Xu, J.-S. Wang, and S.-W. Yang,
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| E. C. Cuansing and J.-S. Wang,
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| W. Shi, G. Wu, K. Hippalgaonkar, J.-S. Wang, J. Xu, S.-W. Yang,
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|| Z. Gao, M. Li and J.-S. Wang, ``Insight into two-dimensional borophene: five-center bond
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|| Z. Gao, Z. Zhang, G. Liu, and J.-S. Wang,
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|| Z.-Q. Zhang, J.-T. Lü, and J.-S. Wang,
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| T. Deng, X. Yong, W. Shi, Z. M. Wong, G. Wu, H. Pan, J.-S. Wang, S-W. Yang,
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|| E. C. Cuansing, J.-S. Wang, and J. Thingna,
``Nonadiabatic particle and energy pump at strong system-reservoir coupling,''
| T. Deng, G. Wu, M. Sullivan, Z. Wong, K. Hippalgaonkar, J.-S. Wang,
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|| T. Zhu, Z.-Q. Zhang, Z. Gao, and J.-S. Wang,
``First-principles method to study near-field radiative heat transfer'',
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|| X. Liu, Z. Zhang, Z. Ding, B. Lv, Z. Luo, J.-S. wang, and Z. Gao,
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|| K. Sun, Z. Gao, and J.-S. Wang,
``Current-induced phonon Hall effect,'' Phys. Rev. B {102}, 134311 (2020).
|| Y.-M. Zhang and J.-S. Wang,
``Far-field heat and angular momentum radiation of the Haldane model,''
J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 33, 055301 (2021).
| X. Yong, G. Wu, W. Shi, Z. M. Wong, T. Deng, Q. Zhu, X. Yang, J.-S. Wang,
J. Xu, and S.-W. Yang,
``Theoretical search for high-performance thermoelectric donor-acceptor
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| L.-L. Nian, T. Wang, Z.-Q. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, and J.-T. Lü,
``Effective Control of photon statistics from electroluminescence by a Fano-like interference effect,''
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|| K. Wang, X. Xu, Y. Cheng, M. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, H. Wang, and G. Zhang,
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| K. Wang, X. Xu, Y. Cheng, M. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, H. Wang, and G. Zhang,
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|| J.-S. Wang, ``Phonon soft modes and para- to ferro-electric phase transitions,'',
Physica A {566}, 125641 (2021).
|| T. Deng, G. Wu, W. Shi, Z. M. Wong, J.-S. Wang, S.-W. Yang,
``Ab initio dipolar electron-phonon interactions in two-dimensional materials,''
Phys. Rev. B {103}, 075410 (2021).
|| T. Zhu, M. Antezza, J.-S. Wang, ``Dynamical polarizability of graphene with spatial dispersion,''
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|| K. Sun, Z. Gao, and J.-S. Wang, ``Phonon Hall effect with first-principles calculations,''
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| R. Zhu, Z. Gao, Q. Liang, J. Hu, J.-S. Wang, C.-W. Qiu, and A.T.S. Wee,
``Observation of anisotropic magnetoresistance in layered nonmagnetic semiconducting PdSe2,''
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|| T. Zhu and J.-S. Wang, ``Generalized first-principles method to study near-field heat
transfer mediated by Coulomb interaction,'' Phys. Rev. B {104}, L121409 (2021).
|| H. Zhou, G. Zhang, J.-S. Wang, Y.-W. Zhang,
``Anharmonic quantum thermal transport across a van der Waals interface,''
MRS Bulletin Impact, (2023).
|| Z.-Q. Zhang and J.-S. Wang,
``Electroluminescence and thermal radiation from metallic carbon nanotubes with defects,''
Phys. Rev. B {104}, 085422 (2021).
|| G. Liu, Z. Zhang, H. Wang, G. Li, J.-S. Wang, and Z. Gao,
``Large contribution of quasi-acoustic shear phonon modes to thermal conductivity in novel
monolayer Ga2O3,'' J. Appl. Phys. 130, 105106 (2021).
|| Y.-M. Zhang, T. Zhu, Z.-Q. Zhang, and J.-S. Wang,
``Microscopic theory of photon-induced energy, momentum, and angular momentum transport in the nonequilibrium regime,"
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|| Y.-M. Zhang, M. Antezza, and J.-S. Wang,
``Controllable thermal radiation from twisted bilayer graphene,''
Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, {194}, 123076 (2022).
|| J.-S. Wang, J. Peng, Z.-Q. Zhang, Y.-M. Zhang, and T. Zhu, ``Transport in electron-photon systems,''
Frontiers of Physics, {18}, 43602 (2023).
|| J.-S. Wang and M. Antezza,
``Photon mediated transport of energy, linear momentum and angular momentum in
fullerene and graphene systems beyond local equilibrium,''
Phys. Rev. B {109}, 125105 (2024).
| Y.-M. Zhang and J.-S. Wang,
``Far-field thermal radiation of layered ferromagnetic topological materials,''
J. Appl. Phys. {135}, 115102 (2024).
|| G. Tang and J.-S. Wang, ``Modulating near-field thermal transfer through temporal drivings:
A quantum many-body theory,'' Phys. Rev. B {109}, 085428 (2024).
| X. Wang, G. Shu, G. Zhu, J.-S. Wang, J. Sun, X. Ding, B. Li, and Z. Gao,
``An interpretable formula for lattice thermal conductivity of crystals,''
Materials Today Physics, {48}, 101549 (2024).
|| T. Zhu, Y.-M. Zhang, and J.-S. Wang, ``Super-Planckian radiative heat transfer
between coplanar two-dimensional metals,'' Phys. Rev. B {109}, 245427 (2024).
P. Rodriguez-Lopez, J.-S. Wang, and M. Antezza,
``Grapnene electric conductivity: Kubo model versus QFT mode,''
Phys. Rev. B, accepted.
|| H. Pan, Y. Ren, G. Tang, and J.-S. Wang,
``Asymmetry-induced radiative heat transfer in Floquet systems,''
J.-S. Wang, P. Rodriguez-Lopez, and M. Antezza,
``Drude model, near-field heat transfer, and the Casimir puzzle,''
in preparation.
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