October 29, 2007 Professor Andrew T S Wee
Dear Professor Wee, I am delighted to tell you that Singapore’s petition to join IUPAP was approved at the recent Council meeting in Brazil, subject to the payment of the first annual dues. We are very pleased to welcome Singapore to IUPAP and hope that you will find your membership productive. The next IUPAP General Assembly will be held in Japan on October 15-17, 2008. You should receive an announcement of the General Assembly in about a month. IUPAP will pay the expenses of your delegate to this meeting and your delegate will have a vote. The Secretariat, Jackie Beamon-Kiene, will send you an invoice for the dues of 925 Euros (half the usual dues) within the next few weeks. These dues will also cover your 2008 membership. I hope that you will be able to pay this promptly. As soon as you pay your dues, we will send you instructions for how to nominate physicists in Singapore for IUPAP Commissions. IUPAP Commissions play a large role in the international physics community. You can expect to have a physicist from Singapore elected to one Commission at the General Assembly, but it will be best if you nominate a physicist for each of 3 or 4 Commissions, as different Commissions have different needs, so it is not clear who will be selected. Information about all of the IUPAP Commissions is given on the IUPAP website at www.iupap.org. Please let me know if you have any questions about your membership. We look forward to Singapore’s active participation in IUPAP. Best wishes,
Judy Franz