Job Opportunities



Postdoc opportunities:
Postdoctoral opportunities are available in our team at the National University of Singapore. The research topics include exciton-phonon coupling in non-linear optics, exciton condensation, and studies on the properties and implications of defects in layered materials. These projects involve a combination of analytical research, implementation of codes, and in-depth analysis of our predictions. A background in first principles calculations and a strong foundation in physics are essential. Preference will be given to candidates with some experience with coding, and/or experience with studies of light-matter interaction at the level of GW-BSE or TDDFT.


Interested candidates should send a CV with names of three referees to Associate Prof Quek at Consideration of candidates will continue until the positions are filled.


PhD student scholarships and Honours Year Projects are also available.

Please contact Associate Prof Quek at or knock on her door at the CA2DM Theory Group in S16 Level 6.