CZ1101, Lecture Notes

The notes only indicate what has been taught in classes, and are not a substitution for reading the textbook. Paper copy of the notes is also available in the 1st Year Lab.

Course Outline

Lecture notes according to academic week ( 2 )[ 3][ 4][ 5][ 6][ 7][ 8][ 10][ 11][ 12][ 13][ 14][ 15]

Week 2, 21/24 July 1997

Chapter 1, Computer Abstractions and Technology

Below your program

Computer knows only zeros and ones. In order to make computer to do its work, one must be able to speak it's language or otherwise use a translator. In fact, the translation is the usual way. We write in high-level programming language, like C, for example

   swap(int v[ ], int k)      /* this program swaps the values */
   {  int temp;               /* of v[k] and v[k+1] */
      temp = v[k];            /* v[] is an array of integers */
      v[k] = v[k+1];
      v[k+1] = temp;

This gets translated by the C compiler into assembly language

         mul  $2, $5, 4
         add  $2, $4, $2
         lw   $15, 0($2)
         lw   $16, 4($2)
         sw   $16, 0($2)
         sw   $15, 4($2)
         j    $31

The above program can be read by human (after we studied chapter 3), but still is not suitable for machine to execute. The assembly program can be translated quite easily into numbers, by the assembler, as


The machine (or sometimes we say the hardware) interprets the string of zeros and ones and performs useful computations.

General organization of computer

Our text book divides a computer into five components: control unit, data path, memory, input, and output. The first two are collectively known as CPU, the last two I/O. Memory can be in various forms, registers, cache memory, main memory, external mass storage like hard disk and floppy diskette. But most of the time, when we say memory, we mean usually the main memory. Mouse and keyboard are input devices; and monitor is a output device. These are the hardware. Software refers to the computer programs, something like the above. The programs are stored in various media, on floppy diskettes, hard disk, magnetic tape, or in computer memory. Depending on the type of function the programs perform, they are classified as system software or applications.

History of computers

The first electronic computer ENIAC was built in 1940s. It was huge, occupied about an area of 10 rooms. The computer used 18000 vacuum tubes. And it was about 20000 times slower than a typical modern computer.

IBM System/360 computers were popular in later 60s. These computers are very expensive by today's standards, cost from US$225,000 up. Then came the minicomputer by Digital Equipment Corporation, the PDP-8, which was under US$10,000. The first supercomputer, CDC 6600, appeared in 1963. Cray 1, the first commercial vector supercomputer, in 1976, was the most expensive (4 million US dollars), but it is also the fastest and best price/performance for scientific applications.

In the past decay, we have seen enormous growth in personal computer industry pioneered by the Apple II. IBM PC was lunched in 1981, one of the best selling machine ever. Also, workstations replaced expensive mainframe computers, and as powerful as Cray 1, on scientists' desks.

If you have time, visit this web site for the history of computer and others related to computer.

Suggested Reading

The textbook, "Computer Organization & Design", page 3-40. Although it is long, you can read it just like reading a story.

Chapter 3, Instructions: Language of the Machine

Operation of the computer hardware

Computer functions by following so called machine instruction, for example, in C we say,

   a = b + c;
for adding b and c with result assigned to a. The machine instruction on our retired DecStation and third year lab SGI workstations (MIPS) is
   add a, b, c
where the first item a is the sum. Items are separated by commas; but there is no comma after the key word add. What about adding several numbers like
   a = b + c + d + e;
MIPS machine codes are:
   add a, b, c
   add a, a, d
   add a, a, e
We note that the format of machine instruction is quiet rigid. For most of the MIPS instructions, it takes exactly three items after the key word add; the first is the result, followed by two operands of the operation. You can do subtraction, multiplication, or division in a similar fashion:
   sub a, b, c     # a = b - c
   mul a, b, c     # a = b * c
   div a, b, c     # a = b/c
The hash symbol # introduces a comment. Any text after the hash to the end of a line and the hash symbol itself is ignored by the machine. (More precisely, it is ignored by the SPIM simulator or an assembler). The comment is meant to be read by human to assist the understanding of the computer code.

Example: This segment of a C program contains the five variables a, b, c, d, and e:

   a = b + c;
   d = a - e:
The translation from C to MIPS instructions is performed by the compiler. Show the MIPS code produced by the C compiler.

Answer: The C compiler could produce

   add a, b, c
   sub d, a, e
These instructions are symbolic representations of what the processor understands; they are called assembly language instructions.

Another more complex example

   f = (g + h) - (i + j);
   add t0, g, h    #  t0 = g + h 
   add t1, i, j    #  t1 = i + j
   sub f, t0, t1   #  f = t0 - t1

Question: How does one compute

   y = a*x*x + b*x - c;
From time to time, I'll have problems like this in the class. You should do it now.

Operands of the computer hardware

The add instruction takes its operands in special places of memory residing on CPU for the computation. These special places are called registers. In MIPS, they are named $0, $1, $2, ..., $31. All modern computers have registers. There are 32 of them in MIPS. You can think of registers as memory, labelled by a number from 0 to 31. Registers are like hotel rooms. You can put people in. But in this case, you put numbers in registers. The instructions like add use the values in the last two registers you specified (called source registers) and put the result back into a register (called destination register). Take the above C code again, assuming g, h, i, and j, are in $17, $18, $19, $20, respectively, and f is in $16, then the actual code should be

   add $8, $17, $18
   add $9, $19, $20 
   sub $16, $8, $9
Similarly, all the symbols that we have used in the above example has to be replaced by dollar something, e.g., $5. Some of the registers have special use. The important ones are $0 for value 0 (that is $0 has permanently the value 0, so that you cannot put your result in this register). $31 contains return address and $29 is called stack pointer. We'll discuss them in detail later. For now, just follow my advise to use $2 to $25 only. Use another may cause unpredictable error.

We know how to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division once the registers contain values. Now the question is how to bring a specific value into the registers. There are two ways to do this: (1) by load immediate instruction li. (2) by load word from memory instruction lw. We discuss the first case which is easier to understand. Here is a program to compute 3=1+2.

   main:               # start of the program

   li   $8, 1          # set $8 to 1
   li   $9, 2          # set $9 to 2
   add  $10, $8, $9    # $10 = $8 + $9

   j $31               # return to system
The above lines form in fact a complete MIPS assembly program which can be executed by a MIPS computer or the MIPS simulator called SPIM. The only differences from the earlier examples are the beginning and ending. We start a program with the word main:. Don't forget the semi-colon. The "main" is similar to what you do in a C program, where you say
The main: is called a label in MIPS assembly program. It marks a particular location among the instructions. The program is terminated with j $31. You can read it as jump dollar thirty-one. The purpose of this is to given control back to the operating system (or calling program). The end of a program in C is marked by a closing curly brace.

SPIM - the MIPS simulator

I'll spend the rest of this lecture to discuss some aspect of the xspim program. Suppose that you already have a file called add.s in your working directory which contains the above program. All your assembly programs should have names ending with ".s". To run this program, first evoke the xspim MIPS simulator, under UNIX system prompt, type
in a line by itself, followed by return, a window will be displayed. On top, you'll see lines with R0 (r0) = 00000000, R1 (at) = 00000000. These R0 to R31 are the registers (in the MIPS assembly program, we refer them as $0 to $31). The numbers after the equal sign = are the values in the registers. However, the values are not in our decimal notation, rather it is in hexadecimal notation, i.e. in notation base 16. For the moment, you just need to know that decimal 0 to 9 is also hexadecimal 0 to 9, but 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, is a, b, c, d, e, f in hexadecimal. The next few rows contain FP0, FP2, etc, they are floating point registers. You'll use the buttons most often. Each time you use mouse to click a button, you get a small window for further action. For example, click quit, you get a small window with quit?, quit, abort command. click quit again terminate the xspim. To read in an assembly program press load, type in the file name, and return. If your program contains error, it will be displayed at the bottom message area. The loaded program is executed with run button. But you cannot see the action of execution, because it runs too fast. The best way is to step through the program. When step is clicked, and click step again inside the small window, only one instruction will be executed. So each time you click the step in the small window, it execute one instruction. The Text Segments part of the xspim window and the message window at the bottom will show you which instruction is to be executed. The Data Segments show part of the main memory. There are already instructions displayed at the text segments even if you have not loaded in your own code. They are the system code. The first few steps are not executing your code but the system code. Only when it reached jal main (for jump and link to main), it starts executing your code. When it reaches j $31. The execution jumps back to system code again.

Suggested Reading

The textbook, "Computer Organization & Design", section 3.1-3.3, page 94-98. Appendix A.9, A-36 to A-41.

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