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Week 11, 22/25 September, 1997

Hardware Software Interface

Floating-point registers

MIPS R2000 system consists of a CPU, and a separate floating-point unit (FPU) referred as Coprocessor 1. Coprocessor 0 handle exceptions and other tasks.

Floating-point registers reside in FPU. There are 16 floating-point registers on MIPS used for floating-point calculations. They are called $f0, $f2, $f4, ..., f$30. Only even numbered registers should appear in most of the instructions. If the number is a single precision number, the even numbered register is used. Double precision number use two floating-point registers, e.g., $f2, $f3.

Floating-point instructions

This table shows some of the most frequently used floating-point instructions. The operands of these instructions must be floating-point registers.
                     single precision       double precision

   add                    add.s                  add.d
   subtract               sub.s                  sub.d
   multiply               mul.s                  mul.d
   divide                 div.s                  div.d
   load                     l.s                    l.d
   store                    s.s                    s.d
   load immediate          li.s                   li.d

   compare lt         
   eq, le, ...           c.eq.s                 c.eq.d

   branch on comparison true       bc1t
   branch on comparison false      bc1f

   move from FP reg to general reg               mfc1
   move to FP reg from general reg               mtc1
Please refer to Fig. 4.44 and Appendix A of the textbook for syntax and complete list.

An example with floating-point instructions

Write an assembly procedure poly to evaluate the value of the polynomial

   f = a[0] + a[1] * x + a[2] * x^2 + ... + a[n] * x^n.
where a[i] is given as an array of float type coefficients, n is an integer for the order of the polynomial, and x is the variable of type float.

An efficient method is the Horner's method, by noting

   f = a[0] + a[1] * x + a[2] * x^2 + ... + a[n] * x^n
     = a[0] + x * ( a[1] + x * ( a[2] + ... + x * ( a[n-1] + x * (a[n] + 0))...)
we can compute with the following steps (algorithm)
       i = n;
       y = 0;
Loop:  y = a[i] + (x * y);
       i = i - 1;
       if (i>=0) goto Loop;
       return y.

With the Horner algorithm for polynomial evaluation given above, we can write the assembly program as below. We'll write the program as a function (or called procedure). We assume that the address of a is in $4, the value n in $5, x is loaded in $6. The result is put in $f0. The register usage for passing values into a function or return result of the function is not arbitrary, but follows certain convention. We'll discuss this later in Appendix A.

        li.s  $f0, 0.0          # y = 0, running and return result
        mtc1  $6  $f12          # x, move to float register
        mul.s $f14, $f12, $f0   # compute (x * y)
        mul   $2, $5, 4         # $5 = i, compute address of a[i]
        addu  $3, $2, $4        # a + (i*4)
        l.s   $f16, 0($3)       # a[i], load coefficient
        add.s $f0, $f16, $f14   # y = a[i] + (x*y)
        addi  $5, $5, -1        # decrease i
        slt   $2, $5, $0        # $2 = 1 if i < 0 
        beq   $2, $0, Loop      # goto Loop if i >= 0 
        j     $31

The use of floating-point comparison

(1) With integer comparison and branch, we use something like

   slt  $3, $4, $5    # $3 = 1 if $4<$5
   bne  $3, $0, L     # go to L if condition true

(2) Floating-point comparison is treated differently, e.g.,  $f0, $f2   # set FPU condition flag to true if $f0 < $f2 
   bc1t L             # branch if FPU condition flag is true.

Accurate Arithmetic

IEEE standard requires two extra bits called guard and round, to hold the intermediate result. Without them, the result will be less accurate.

Example: Add 2.56 x 10^0 to 2.34 x 10^2, assuming that we have three significant decimal digits, with and without guard and round digits.

With extra 2 digits (guard and round)

   2.56 x 10^0 = 0.0256 x 10^2
               + 2.3400 x 10^2
                 2.3656 x 10^2
After rounding, the result is 2.37 x 10^2.

Without extra bits

   2.56 x 10^0 = 0.02 x 10^2
               + 2.34 x 10^2
                 2.36 x 10^2
So, the answer is off by 1 in the last digit.

Rounding Method

Four types of rounding methods are defined in IEEE standards, they are
    Method                    examples     round to 3 significant figures 

   Round up                   300.45              301 
  (toward +infinity)         -300.45              300
                              0.07622             0.0763
                              5.5550              5.56
   Round down                 300.45              300
   (toward -infinity)        -300.45             -301
                              0.07622             0.0762
                              5.5550              5.55

   Truncate                   300.45              300
   (toward zero)             -300.45             -300
                              0.07622             0.0762
                              5.5550              5.55

   Round to nearest even      300.45              300
                             -300.45             -300
                              0.07622             0.0762
                              5.5550              5.56
                              5.5450              5.54
The last rounding method is implemented in most computers. Round to the nearest picks the number nearest to the original number. When two numbers are equally near (e.g. 5.556 and 5.554 are equally near to 5.555), round (add 1 to the last digit) or truncate the number so that the result digit is even.

Precision of floating-point numbers

Floating-point numbers are approximation to the real numbers in mathematics. In single precision (float), 23 bits are used for the fractional part. Together with the implicit leading 1, we have 24 significant binary digits. Converting into decimal, it means that we have 24 * log_10 2 = 0.3 * 24 = 7 decimal digits. In other words, single precision is accurate to seven significant decimal digits. For double precision, it is precise with 53 * 0.3 = 16 significant decimal figures.

Since the computer representation of real numbers contains discrete and finite number of values, while real numbers are continuous and uncountably infinite many, most real numbers are represented only approximately. The maximum error is half the size of the gap between representable numbers.

Given a representable number x, the number just slight smaller (or larger) is the one that the significand f differs by 2^{-23} (last bit). So the gap size around x is

   Absolute Error = gap/2 = 2^{e-127} delta f / 2
                  = 2^{e-127} 2^{-24} = x 2^{-24}   
                  = 6.0 10^{-8} x,
   Relative Error = Absolute Error / x = 10^{-7}.
Note that the gap is proportional to x, and relative error is a constant 0.0000001, that is, there are seven significant figures.

Example: Given the number

   x = 0 10110011 10000100101100001110110
What are the numbers just slightly smaller and larger that x?


   x - delta = 0 10110011 10000100101100001110101
   x + delta = 0 10110011 10000100101100001110111
So the gap can be computed exactly as
   delta = 2^{e-127} (0.00000000000000000000001_two)
         = 2^{e-127} 2^{-23}
And the relative error (more precisely, maximum relative error) is
   delta/(2*x) = 2^{-24} = 4 x 10^{-8}

IEEE Floating-Point Representations

Problem: (1) What is the decimal value of this IEEE single-precision floating-point number?

   0011 1111 0101 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Answer: s = 0, e = 01111110 = 126, f = 0.101 = 1/2 + 1/8 = 0.625. So the value is (1+f) 2^(e-127) = 1.625 x 2^(-1) = 0.8125.

(2) What is the IEEE single-precision floating-point representation for the decimal number -3.25.

Answer: 3 = 11_two, 0.25 = 0.01_two. So, 3.25 = 11.01_two = 1.101 x 2^1. Thus s = 1, e - 127 = 1, or e = 128, f = 0.101, the pattern is

   1 10000000 10100000000000000000000

Besides the normal numbers, IEEE representation also has other types of symbolic entities to aid the computation. They are the infinities and NaN (not-a-number).

Plus and minus infinities

In single precision format, mathematical infinity is represented as
   +infinity  0 11111111 00000000000000000000000
   -infinity  1 11111111 00000000000000000000000

Infinities are represented by e=255, and f = 0. The infinities behave the way we expected. For example 1.0/0.0 = +Infinity, +Infinity - 10 = +Infinity. 1/Infinity = 0.

Not-A-Number (NaN)

If e=255 (all ones), and f != 0, then the pattern is considered not a number! NaN can be generated during computation, e.g., 0.0/0.0 = NaN, Infinity - Infinity = NaN. If your program output produces a NaN, it is a good indication that something is wrong with your program.


There are two versions of zeros. Zeros are presented by

   0 00000000 00000000000000000000000  (0+)  or
   1 00000000 00000000000000000000000  (0-)

Denormalized number

When e = 0, and f != 0, the value of the pattern is interpreted differently,
   (-1)^s x f x 2^{-126}
This type of number is called denormalized since the leading digit is not 1.

Question: What is the smallest denormalized number in simple precision?

Answer: Smallest f is 2^{-23}, so the smallest denormalized number is 2^{-23} x 2^{-126} = 2^{-149} = 10^{-45}.

Summary of IEEE 754 floating-point number single precision

sign s takes 1 bit, exponent e takes 8 bits, and significand (fraction) takes the rest of 23 bits. According to the value of e, we have the following situations.

  1. Normalize number: e = 1 to 254. The value is (-1)^s x ( 1 + f ) x 2^{e-127}.
  2. Infinity and NaN: e = 255. If f = 0, value is (-1)^s * Infinity. If f != 0, the pattern is Not-A-Number.
  3. Denormalized number: e = 0, the value is (-1)^s x f x 2^{-126}.
  4. Zero is s = 0 or 1, e = 0, f = 0.

Fallacies and Pitfalls

Pitfall: Forgetting that floating-point addition is not associative [hence x + (y + z) != (x + y) + z].

Example: x = 1.0, y = -1.0, z = 1.0E-8 = 0.00000001, in single precision. Then

   x + ( y + z ) = 1.0 + (-1.0 + 1.0E-8) = 1.0 + (-1.0) = 0.0,
   (x + y) + z = (1.0 + (-1.0)) + 1.0E-8 = 0 + 1.0E-8 = 1.0E-8.

Concluding Remarks

Suggested Reading

The textbook, "Computer Organization & Design", pages 238-257.

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