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In this week, we'll learn one of the very important classes of instructions besides arithmetic and data transfer instructions - branch instructions. The branch instructions change the way code is executed. Normally, the instructions are executed in the order given as in the program. Branch instructions cause the execution to jump backwards or forwards in memory where the program are stored.
To motivate the usefulness of branch instructions, let us see how do we compute
1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3 + ... + 1000^3?Answer: (1) Do additions 1000 times explicitly; the program will have several thousand lines. (2) Use code repeatedly, i.e., looping. The program has only a dozen lines. Here is the idea:
1. Let sum = 0, and n = 0 2. increase n by 1 3. compute y = n*n*n 4. add y to sum 5. if n < 1000 repeat the step 2, otherwise the computation is done.We know how to write part of the code
add $4, $4, $3 # step 2, assuming $3 = 1, n in $4 mul $5, $4, $4 # part of step 3, $5 = n*n mul $5, $5, $4 # $5 = n cubed add $8, $8, $5 # step 4, assuming $8 contains sumWe need two more things to make it a loop: a label and a conditional branch instruction. A Label marks a (memory) location in an assembly program. We have already seen a label, the
. A label is a name followed
by a semi-colon. The complete
program would look like this.
# This program computes # 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3 + ... + N^3 # using loop. N is a value loaded in $6 main: # How registers are used: li, $6, 10 # $6, the limit N li, $8, 0 # $8, the sum li, $4, 0 # $4=n, runs from 1 to N li, $3, 1 # $3, constant 1 L: add $4, $4, $3 # increment n by 1 mul $5, $4, $4 # $5 = n^2 mul $5, $5, $4 # $5 = n^3 add $8, $8, $5 # add n^3 to sum bne $4, $6, L # go back if n!=N j $31This program is general in that you can set N to be any value, not only N=10. Note the comments in the program. Good comments are useful for you or your reader/grader to understand the program better. In particular, you should explain the purpose of registers used.
beq register1, register2, L1 # branch if equal bne register1, register2, L1 # branch if not equal
These two instructions direct the machine to execute the instruction elsewhere if the condition is met. L1 is a constant called label, the value is computed and assigned by the assembler. It tells the computer to execute the instruction a distance L1 away from the current instruction.
Example: What is the assembly language equivalent of the following C program?
if(i==j) goto L1; f = g + h; L1: f = f - i;
Answer (assuming, f, g, h, i, j takes the registers $16, $17, $18, $19, and $20)
beq $19, $20, L1 # goto L1 if i equals j add $16, $17, $18 # f = g + h (skipped if i equals j) L1: sub $16, $16, $19 # f = f - i (always executed)
Example: The C program is below. Translate into MIPS assembly language.
Loop: g = g + A[i]; i = i + j; if(i != h) goto Loop;
Answer (assuming g, h, i, j, and 4 takes registers $17, $18, $19, $20, and $10)
Loop: mul $9, $19, $10 # reg $9 = i * 4 lw $8, Astart($9) # reg $8 = A[i] add $17, $17, $8 # g = g + A[i] add $19, $19, $20 # i = i + j bne $19, $18, Loop # goto Loop if i not equal hHere is perhaps the first time you meet array. Array in C is declared as, e.g.,
int A[5]; /* array with five elements A[0], A[1], ..., A[4] */From assembly program point of view, array is a piece of contiguous memory, characterized by a starting address and a size of the memory. The
above is a symbolic constant denoting this starting address.
The instruction
j Labelunconditionally jump to the instruction marked by the Label. Example
if(i == j) f = g + h; /* C program */ else f = g - h;
Answer (assuming f, g, h, i, j takes registers $16, $17, $18, $19, and $20).
bne $19, $20, Else add $16, $17, $18 j Exit Else: sub $16, $17, $18 Exit:
The instruction
slt $8, $19, $20 # set on less thanset the register $8 to 1 if $19 < $20, otherwise, register $8 is set to 0.
slt, beq
, and bne
are sufficient to implement
all types of conditional branches (One of our tutorial problem deals
with this). E.g., the assembly language
blt $16, $17, Less # branch if $16 < $17is translated to the hardware as
slt $1, $16, $17 bne $1, $0, Less
The blt is not a machine instruction in the sense that it does not
have a corresponding binary machine code. The assembler or the
SPIM simulator always replaces it by the two true machine instructions
show above. We call such instructions pseudo-instructions.
Register $1 is reserved for the assembler to handle pseudo-instructions
like the one above. Load immediate li
is also a
while(save[i] == k) { i = i + j; }
Assuming i, j, k, and 4 takes registers $19, $20, $21, and $10, and
the starting address of the array is at Sstart
Loop: mul $9, $19, $10 lw $8, Sstart($9) bne $8, $21, Exit add $19, $19, $20 j Loop Exit:
The general loading instruction copies a value from memory into register,
lw $8, 4($9) # load value at address 4 + $9 into $8
Load small number (16-bit) into $8 can be done more efficiently
addi $8, $0, 4 # $8 = 0 + 4 = 4
addi, $8, $9, 4is represented as
8 9 8 4 op rs rt immediate
Since the bit width for the immediate value is only 16-bit wide, (the total width is 32-bit), the immediate values must small enough to fit into the 16-bit field, (namely from -2^15 to 2^15 -1). What happen if a larger value is used?
Similarly, for the comparison instruction (set on less than), we can use
slti $8, $18, 10Only the last register can be replaced by an immediate value.
(This example is not in the textbook.) Assuming that $4 contains the starting address of array A[], that is, A[0] has the address given by the content of $4, A[1] has the address given by the content of $4 plus 4, A[2] with address given by the content of $4 plus 8, and so on. Similarly, $5 contains the starting address of array B[], compute the sum of the first 4 words (array elements) of A, and put the result in to B[0]. We can picture the memory and registers situation, for example, as below
Reg Content Address Memory content Array ... ... $4 8 4 ... $5 36 8 5 A[0] ... 12 0 A[1] 16 2 A[2] 20 6 A[3] 24 ... A[4] 28 ... ... 32 ... ... 36 ... B[0] 40 B[1] ... ... ...
In C, one can simply write
B[0] = A[0] + A[1] + A[2] + A[3];for the desired sum. For the machine, one has to break into small steps. We use $2 for temporary value of sum, $8 is used to load the array value.
add $2, $0, $0, # initialized $2 to zero lw $8, 0($4) # load A[0] add $2, $2, $8 # add A[0] to the sum addi $4, $4, 4 # address of next word lw $8, 0($4) # load A[1] add $2, $2, $8 # add A[1] to the sum addi $4, $4, 4 # address of next word lw $8, 0($4) # load A[2] add $2, $2, $8 # add A[2] to the sum addi $4, $4, 4 # address of next word lw $8, 0($4) # load A[3] add $2, $2, $8 # add A[3] to the sum sw $2, 0($5) # store result in B[0]
The above strategy would not be practical if we want to add 100 elements. So, C has another solution:
sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { sum = sum + A[i]; } B[0] = sum;The looping can be implemented by branch and jump instructions. A shorter and more general version in assembly language can be
add $2, $0, $0 # sum = 0 add $3, $0, $0 # i = 0 Loop: slti $9, $3, 4 # $9 = 1 if (i<4), looping until i equal 4 beq $9, $0, Exit # if (i>=4) goto Exit lw $8, 0($4) # load A[i] add $2, $2, $8 # add A[i] to sum addi $4, $4, 4 # address of next element addi $3, $3, 1 # increment i j Loop # jump to the beginning Exit: sw $2, 0($5) # save result in B[0]
What are the memory and register contents after the following program's execution? Initial values in memory and registers are given as shown.
main: Initial Memory addi $4, $0, 28 # (1) address contents lw $5, 0($4) # (2) 4 | ... | beq $4, $5, L # (3) 8 | -1 | sub $2, $4, $5 # (4) 12 | 0 | addi $2, $2, -1 # (5) 16 | 113 | sw $5, -4($2) # (6) 20 | 20 | L: add $3, $0, $4 # (7) 24 | 8 | slt $6, $4, $5 # (8) 28 | 7 | sw $6, 13($5) # (9) 32 | -2 | 36 | 1 | 40 |1109 | Initially, registers contain .. | ... | $2 = 0 $3 = 5 $4 = 1007 $5 = 98 $6 = 0
Here is the answer: After (1), $4 contains 28 (by adding 0 with 28). After (2), $5 has the value of memory at address 0+$4=28, namely 7. 0($4) is used to compute a value 0+$4=0+28=28. The result 28 is used as an address. Looking at the contents in memory at address 28, 7 is stored there. This value 7 is loaded (put into) register $5. The memory is not altered by a load. Instruction (3) does not lead to a branch to L: since $4=28 and $5=7; they are not equal. After (4) $2 contains 28 - 7 = 21. After (5) $2 = 21 - 1 = 20. (6) The value in $5 (7 now) is stored at memory location -4 + $2 = (-4) + 20 = 16. Namely, the contents at location 16 (113) is replaced by 7. Only store alters the value in memory. After (7), $3 gets a copy of $4. i.e., $3 = 28. After (8) $6 = 0 ($4 is not less than $5) since $4 > $5 (28>7). The last instruction saves 0 (value of $6) at memory location 13 + $5 = 13 + 7 = 20. That is, at memory location 20, the content 20 is replaced by 0. So the final memory and registers look like these:
Memory address contents 4 | ... | $2 = 20 8 | -1 | $3 = 28 12 | 0 | $4 = 28 16 | 7 | $5 = 7 20 | 0 | $6 = 0 24 | 8 | 28 | 7 | 32 | -2 | 36 | 1 | 40 |1109 | 44 | ... |
Only the data transfer instructions (lw and sw) have something to do with memory. Only the store instruction can change memory. All other arithmetic instructions (add, addi, sub, slt, slti) use and change the values of registers. They have nothing to do with memory. Conditional instructions (beq, bne, j) control the order of instruction execution. The jump and link instruction (jal) changes $31 and also changes the order of instruction execution (function calls). We'll discuss jal later.
Consider the program and the initial values for registers and memory. What are the values in registers and memory when program stops? Blank entries mean that there values are unspecified.
addi $2, $0, 4 Memory There: sub $4, $5, $2 address contents lw $5, 0($4) 12 | ... | sw $4, 0($5) 16 | 24 | bne $4, $5, There 20 | 20 | 24 | | $2 = ..., $4 = ..., $5 = 20 28 | ... |
add $1, $2, $3 # $1 = $2 + $3 sub $1, $2, $3 # $1 = $2 - $3 mul $1, $2, $3 # $1 = $2 * $3
lw $7, 100($8) # $7 = Memory[$8+100] sw $7, 100($8) # Memory[$8+100] = $7
beq $1, $2, L # if($1==$2) goto L bne $1, $2, L # if($1!=$2) goto L slt $1, $2, $3 # if($2<$3) $1=1; else $1=0
j L # goto location indicated by L
li $1, 4 # $1 = 4 addi $1, $2, 5 # $1 = $2 + 5 slti $1, $2, 10 # $1 = 1 if $2<10, otherwise $1 = 0
Name Format op rs rt rd shamt funct | example add R 0 2 3 1 0 32 | add $1,$2,$3 sub R 0 2 3 1 0 34 | sub $1,$2,$3 lw I 35 2 1 100 | lw $1,100($2) sw I 43 2 1 100 | sw $1,100($2) beq I 4 1 2 100 | beq $1,$2,100 bne I 5 1 2 100 | bne $1,$2,100 slt R 0 2 3 1 0 42 | slt $1,$2,$3 j J 2 10000 | j 10000
The first two families are classified as complex instruction set computer (CISC), due to the nature of the instruction set architecture; the last three, reduced instruction set computer (RISC), which become very popular in recent years. RISC computers are very similar to each other. Learning MIPS will give you a foundation to pick up the others very quickly. MIPS is also one of the early (pure) RISC system, with simple and elegant instruction set. That's why we choose MIPS, even if our First Year Lab has Pentium CPUs.
Textbook "Computer Organization & Design", Chapter 3, page 110-118. page 147-150.