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Week 7, 25/30 August, 1997

Logical Operations


Logical operations are used to deal with the bit patterns directly. Shift left logical (sll) shifts the bits to the left, and similarly shift right logical (srl) shifts the bits to the right. Here are some examples: Assuming $16 contains

   00000000 00000000 00000000 00001101
   sll $10, $16, 8   # reg $10 = $16 << 8 bits
shifts the pattern to the left by 8 bits, shifting out whatever bits were there on the left and filling in 0s on the right.
   00000000 00000000 00001101 00000000
If we do a
   srl $10, $10, 10   # reg $10 = $10 >> 10 bits
then, $10 now contains
   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011

Machine language encoding of shift left logical is

   sll  $10, $16, 8

   0    0    16   10    8    0
   op   rs   rt   rd  shamt funct
or in binary
   000000 00000 10000 01010 01000 000000

The 5-bit field shamt is now used as the shift amount. Since it is only 5-bit wide, its value can only between 0 and 31 (unsigned).

Question: What are the (decimal) values in $10 to $18 after the program's execution? (Answers are in the comments)

   addi $3,  $0, 1    # $3 = 1
   sll  $10, $3, 1    # $10 = 1 << 1 = 2
   sll  $11, $3, 2    # $11 = 1 << 2 = 4
   sll  $12, $3, 3    # $12 = 1 << 3 = 8
   sll  $13, $3, 4    # $13 = 1 << 4 = 16
   sll  $14, $3, 5    # $14 = 1 << 5 = 32

   addi $3,  $0, 15   # $3 = 15
   srl  $15, $3, 1    # $15 = 15 >> 1 = 7
   srl  $16, $3, 2    # $16 = 15 >> 2 = 3
   srl  $17, $3, 3    # $17 = 15 >> 3 = 1
   srl  $18, $3, 4    # $18 = 15 >> 4 = 0

You can see that shift up (shift left) 1 bit is the same as multiplying by 2; shift down (shift right) is the same as integer division by 2.

Bitwise AND and OR

An ADD operation on a pair of bits is 0 unless both of the bits are 1. For OR, the result is 0 only if both of them are 0. This table shows the effects of ADD and OR on 1 bit field.

          bit a       bit b       a AND b             a OR b
           0            0            0                   0
           1            0            0                   1
           0            1            0                   1
           1            1            1                   1
The AND and OR MIPS instructions operate on 32 bits independently. If $9 contains
   00000000 00000000 00000000 00101100
and $10 contains
   00000000 00000000 00000000 00001010
then after the instruction
   and $8, $9, $10    # reg $8 = $9 & $10
$8 contains
   00000000 00000000 00000000 00001000
For the OR operation, the result is
   00000000 00000000 00000000 00101110

Here is a table which contrasts the logical operations, C operators, and MIPS instructions.

  Logical Operations     C Operators              MIPS instructions

   shift left                 <<                   sll
   shift right                >>                   srl
   AND                        &                    and, andi
   OR                         |                    or, ori


Pick out the 3rd byte and store the pattern in the least significant byte. That is, if $8 contains

   00001111 01010101 00000001 11111111
Manipulates the bit pattern so that $9 contains
   00000000 00000000 00000000 01010101
   srl $9, $8, 16     # $9 = $8 >> 16, shift the bytes down
   andi $9, $9, 255   # $9 = $9 & 0x00FF, masking out the byte

Question: Copy the bit 0 to 3 from register $8 to $9, and then move the bit 0 to 3 to position 29 to 31.

Example: Copy the 0th bit into 31st bit in register $8.

   andi $9, $8, 1         # $9 contains 0th bit of reg $8
   li   $10, 0x7FFFFFFF   # $10 = 0111...1 is a mask
   and  $8, $8, $10       # clear the 31st bit
   sll  $9, $9, 31        # shift up to 31 position
   or   $8, $8, $9        # copy into 31st bit of $8

Constructing an Arithmetic Logic Unit

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the part of CPU responsible for arithmetic and logical computations. The most fundamental computation is addition. The hardware for ALU is built from four basic blocks called gates, AND gate, OR gate, inverter, and multiplexor.

The AND gate has two input signals a and b and one output signal c. AND gate performs a 1-bit logical AND electronically. Each of the terminal a, b, and c takes only two possible values, high voltage and low voltage, or 0 and 1. The table shows the effect of input/output (also called truth table for AND).

      a     b     c
      0     0     0
      0     1     0
      1     0     0
      1     1     1

The device behaves as logical AND in that if one or both input terminals are presented with value 0, the output signal is 0. If both input a and b are 1, the output in c is 1. Such a device can be built with our knowledge on the physics of electronics using silicon with transistors.

The OR gate is similar to AND except that the truth table is

      a     b     c
      0     0     0
      0     1     1
      1     0     1
      1     1     1

That is, the result is 1 unless both a and b are 0.

Inverter takes only one input and one output. An inverter flips the value of input, if a = 1, c = 0; if a = 0; c = 1.

The multiplexor makes decisions based on a control. It takes three inputs and produces one output. If a and b are normal inputs and d is control, and c is output, then if d = 0, output c = a; if d = 1, output c = b. The output is one of the inputs depending on the control d.

1-bit Adder

The device for addition can be built out of the logical gates AND, OR, and inverter. A 1-bit adder takes two input a and b, and adds them. Clearly the result can be 0, 1, or 2. If it is 2, we say that result is 0 with a carry out of 1 (since 1 + 1 = 10, in binary). We need also a carry in bit due to a carry out from an earlier 1-bit addition. So the basic 1-bit adder has three inputs, a, b, and CarryIn, and two outputs, sum and CarryOut. They have the following truth table
      a     b    CarryIn      CarryOut   sum
      0     0       0            0        0
      1     0       0            0        1
      0     1       0            0        1
      1     1       0            1        0
      0     0       1            0        1
      1     0       1            1        0
      0     1       1            1        0
      1     1       1            1        1

A 1-bit ALU that performs AND, OR, and addition can be built out of logical AND, OR gates, 1-bit adder, and a multiplexor. To be able to do subtraction, one only needs to incorporate an inverter. Finally a 32-bit ALU is built out of the 1-bit ALU by connecting CarryOut to CarryIn of the next bit, with control lines to all the 32 1-bit ALU. With some modification, the ALU can do MIPS instructions add, sub, slt, and, or. The ALU cannot perform shifts and multiplication or division. They are usually performed in separates units.


We first recall the method of multiplication in primary school (the longhand method)

            1000  <- multiplicand
        x   1001  <- multiplier
       + 1000
         1001000  <- product

Some terminology, the number 1000 in the first line is called a multiplicand, the second number 1001 is called a multiplier, and the result is called a product. You can interpret the above calculation as in decimal notation computing one thousand times thousand and one, or as in binary notation computing 1000_two x 1001_two = 8 x 9 = 1001000_two = 72. In fact, multiplication in binary is simpler than in decimal, since at each step, you either multiply by 0 or 1. Here is another example 11 times 13 = 143.

            1011  -> 11_ten
         x  1101  -> 13_ten
      +  1011
        10001111  -> 143_ten

We note that the product of two 4-bit numbers is eight bits. It is generally true that product of two n-bit numbers is 2n or less.

A slightly more efficient way of doing the multiplication is to do the addition in each step (more suitable for the machine). If the multiplier bit is 0, we do nothing. Here is the same multiplication in the new way.

        x   1101
       +  1011 
       + 1011

Here is the rule:

Example: Multiply 156 with 99 in binary.

               10011100  -> 156           a check in decimal
           x   01100011  ->  99
           -------------                       156
               10011100                      x  99
           +  10011100                      ------
           -------------                      1404
              111010100                      1404
       +  10011100                        --------
       -----------------                     15444
      +  10011100
         11110001010100   -> 15444

An algorithm is a series of steps that is carried out in a particular order to accomplish a computational task. The word is derived from the name of Arab mathematician al-Khwarizmi (A.D. 800).

The first multiplication algorithm (for unsigned integer)

Let us introduce the symbols (as registers)

The following is a description of the first algorithm to multiply two 32-bit unsigned integers (M*A), result is in P.

Initial value: M = multiplicand (higher 32 bits is zero), A = multiplier, P = 0. We use the notation A0 to mean the 0-th bit in A.

Repeat 32 times:

  1. Test A0, if (A0==1) P = P + M.
  2. Shift M left 1 bit, M = M << 1.
  3. Shift A right 1 bit, A = A >> 1.

where the notation "A = expression" mains register A gets value specified by the expression.

Such an algorithm can be followed with pencil and paper, as what we have done earlier, or in software, or in hardware. Let us consider how to implement the multiplication in MIPS assembly program (assuming that mult instruction does not exist). Here is a simplified version multiply.s where all registers are 32 bits ($5 for A, $3 for A0, $2 for P, $4 for M).

         add  $2, $0, $0     # initialize product to zero

Loop:    beq  $5, $0, Exit   # if the multiplier is 0, terminate looping
         andi $3, $5, 1      # mask out the 0th bit in multiplier
         beq  $3, $0, Shift  # if the bit is 0, skip add
         addu $2, $2, $4     # add (shifted) multiplicand to product
Shift:   sll  $4, $4, 1      # shift up the multiplicand 1 bit
         srl  $5, $5, 1      # shift down the multiplier 1 bit
         j    Loop           # go for next bit in multiplier
Exit:                        # finished.

Consider the execution of the program with the following data. 1011 x 1101.

   operation      $2      $3        $4        $5
   start             0             1011      1101

   andi/addu      1011     1       1011      1101
   shifts         1011     1      10110       110
   andi           1011     0      10110       110
   shifts         1011     0     101100        11
   andi/addu   0110111     1     101100        11
   shifts      0110111     1    1011000         1
   addi/addu  10001111     1    1011000         1
   shifts     10001111     1   10110000         0
   final      10001111     0    

Second version of the multiplication algorithm

In the first version of the algorithm, the multiplicand is shifted left after each iteration, just like in the longhand calculation. Since the multiplicand are 32 bits, the 64 bits space is not really necessary. A better idea is to shift the product to the right and keeping the multiplicand fixed. The effect is the same. There is also a saving in ALU. The first version need a 64-bit ALU; the new algorithm can be performed with 32-bit ALU.

Third version of multiplication algorithm

The last improvement is to combine the multiplier register and product register. Since the lower half in P are not used in the beginning, we can put the multiplier there. And the multiplier are shifted down as well as the result as in the second version. So the final version of multiplication algorithm is presented here:

Initial values, M: 32-bit register contains the multiplicand. P: 64-bit register contains 32-bit multiplier (on the lower half).

Repeat 32 times:

  1. if(P0==1) Ph = Ph + M (add to the upper half in P).
  2. P = P >> 1 (shift P right 1 bit).

Example: Compute 0010 x 0011 (decimal 2 times 3, 4-bit numbers) by the third algorithm.

   Iteration      step             M               P

      0          initial value    0010         0000 0011
      1          1 Ph=Ph+M        0010         0010 0011
                 2 shift right    0010         0001 0001
      2          1 Ph=Ph+M        0010         0011 0001
                 2 shift right    0010         0001 1000
      3          2 shift right    0010         0000 1100
      4          2 shift right    0010         0000 0110

Suggested Reading

Textbook, Computer Organization & Design, page 168-205.

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