Publications |
Optically Active Chalcogen Vacancies in Monolayer Semiconductors

Congratulations to Zhepeng for having his paper published in Advanced Optical Materials!


Publications |
Electrostatic control of magnetism: Emergent opportunities with van der Waals materials

Ivan's review paper on electrostatic control of magnetism in van der Waals materials has been published in Applied Physics Letters!


News |
Farewell Zhepeng!!

It was a pleasure having you as part of our team! All the best with your future endeavours!

Publications |
Improving carrier mobility in two-dimensional semiconductors with rippled materials

Congratulations to Hong Kuan for having his paper published in Nature Electronics!


News |
MRS Best Poster Award!

Congratulations to Nam for winning the best poster award in MRS Spring meeting at Honolulu! His poster title is: "Imaging dilute atomic impurities in a monolayer semiconductor by conductive AFM"


Publications |
Phase Matching via Plasmonic Modal Dispersion for Third Harmonic Generation

Congratulations to Zhe for having his paper published in Advanced Science!


Publications |
Data-driven discovery of high performance layered van der Waals piezoelectric NbOI2

Our collaborative work with Prof Quek's group has been published in Nature Communications!


News |
Farewell Dr. Junyong!

It was a pleasure having you as part of our team! We wish you all the best with your new career!

News |
Congratulations to Dr. Ng Hong Kuan!

Congratulations to Hong Kuan for completing his Ph.D oral defense!

Publications |
In-Plane Field-Driven Excitonic Electro-Optic Modulation in Monolayer Semiconductor

Daniele and Marcelo's work on In-Plane Field-Driven Excitonic Electro-Optic Modulation in Monolayer Semiconductor is published in Advanced Optical Materials!


Publications |
Mode-Center Placement of Monolayer WS2 in a Photonic Polymer Waveguide

Congratulation to Angelina and Justin for having their paper published inAdvanced Optical Materials!


Publications |
Impurity-Induced Emission in Re-Doped WS2 Monolayers

Leyi's paper on impurity-induced emission in Re-doped WS2 monolayers has been published in Nano Letters!


Members |
Welcome Mingjun and Xiao Han

We welcome our new PhD student, Mingjun Chen and our visiting scholar from Zhejiang University, Han Xiao!

Members |
Welcome Wang Zhe and Xingjian!

We welcome our new PhD students, Wang Zhe and Sun Xingjian!

Members |
Welcome FYP students

We welcome new FYP (Zai Wenhao, Koo Xin Yi, Kim Joo Wan) and master students (Feng Xiaoying, Chen Mingjun, Guo Jintao) to our group!

Publications |
Substitutional doping in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides

Leyi and Zhepeng's review paper on Substitutional doping in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides has been published in Nano Research!


Publications |
Excitonic Energy Transfer in Heterostructures of Quasi-2D Perovskite and Monolayer WS2

Zhang Qi's paper on Excitonic Energy Transfer in Heterostructures of Quasi-2D Perovskite and Monolayer WS2 has been published in ACS Nano!


News |
Farewell Dr. Eric Linardy!

It had been a fun 4 years with you around. We wish you all the best with your new job!

Publications |
Polarized Light‐Emitting Diodes Based on Anisotropic Excitons in Few‐Layer ReS2

Junyong's paper on Polarized Light‐Emitting Diodes Based on Anisotropic Excitons in Few‐Layer ReS2 has been published in Advanced Materials!


Publications |
Controlling the magnetic anisotropy in Cr2Ge2Te6 by electrostatic gating

Ivan's paper on Controlling the magnetic anisotropy in Cr2Ge2Te6 by electrostatic gating has been published in Nature Electronics!


Publications |
Electro‐Optic Upconversion in van der Waals Heterostructures via Nonequilibrium Photocarrier Tunneling

Eric's paper on Electro‐Optic Upconversion in van der Waals Heterostructures via Nonequilibrium Photocarrier Tunneling has been published in Advanced Materials!


Publications |
Disorder-driven two-dimensional quantum phase transitions in LixMoS2

Ivan's paper on Disorder-driven two-dimensional quantum phase transitions in LixMoS2 has been published in 2D Materials! Congratulations!


Publications |
Harnessing Exciton–Exciton Annihilation in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors

Eric's paper on Harnessing Exciton–Exciton Annihilation in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors has been published in Nano Letters! Congratulations!


Publications |
Polarity tunable trionic electroluminescence in monolayer WSe2

Junyong's paper on Polarity tunable trionic electroluminescence in monolayer WSe2 has been published in Nano Letters!


Publications |
Growth of Nb-Doped Monolayer WS2 from Liquid-Phase Precursor Mixing

Leyi's paper on Growth of Nb-Doped Monolayer WS2 from Liquid-Phase Precursor Mixing has been published in ACS Nano!


Publications |
Phase coherent transport in bilayer and trilayer MoS2

Leiqiang's paper on Phase coherent transport in bilayer and trilayer MoS2 has been published in Physical Review B!


Members |
Welcome Zhepeng and Nam!

We welcome our new post-doc Zhepeng Zhang, as well as Ph.D. student Vu Thanh Trung Nam to our group!

Publications |
Controlled Aqueous Synthesis of 2D Hybrid Perovskites with Bright Room-Temperature Long-Lived Luminescence

Zhang Qi's paper on Controlled Aqueous Synthesis of 2D Hybrid Perovskites with Bright Room-Temperature Long-Lived Luminescence has been published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters!


News |
Congratulations to Dr. Zhang Qi!

Congratulations to Zhang Qi for completing his Ph.D oral defense!

Publications |
Elastomeric Waveguide on-Chip Coupling of an Encapsulated MoS2 Monolayer

Our collaborative paper on Elastomeric Waveguide on-Chip Coupling of an Encapsulated MoS2 Monolayer has been published in ACS Photonics!


Publications |
Suppressed Out-of-Plane Polarizability of Free Excitons in Monolayer WSe2

Ivan's paper on Suppressed Out-of-Plane Polarizability of Free Excitons in Monolayer WSe2 has been published in ACS Nano!


Publications |
Electroluminescent Devices Based on 2D Semiconducting Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

Junyong's paper on Electroluminescent Devices Based on 2D Semiconducting Transition Metal Dichalcogenides has been published in Advanced Materials!


Publications |
Interlayer screening effects in WS2/WSe2 van der Waals hetero-bilayer

Rajeev's paper on Interlayer screening effects in WS2/WSe2 van der Waals hetero-bilayer has been published in 2D Materials!


Members |
Welcome Henrique & Omar!

We welcome our new post-doc Henrique Rosa, as well as student visitor Omargeldi Atanov, from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology!

Publications |
Vapour–liquid–solid Growth of Monolayer MoS2 Nanoribbons

Shisheng's paper on Vapour–liquid–solid Growth of Monolayer MoS2 Nanoribbons has been published in Nature Materials!


Publications |
Excitonic Properties of Chemically Synthesized 2D Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Nanosheets

Zhang Qi's paper on Excitonic Properties of Chemically Synthesized 2D Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Nanosheets is published in Advanced Materials!


Members |
A very warm welcome dinner!

Year end group dinner and a very warm welcome to visiting research student Xu Xiaomin from Humboldt University of Berlin!


Members |
Welcome Ziyu!

Warm welcome to our visiting research student Qin Ziyu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology!

Members |
Welcome to the family!

We welcome FYP students Evangeline, Tjin Penh and Zhao Wei as well as Ph.D students Hong Kuan and Justin to our group!

Publications |
Efficient Carrier-to-Exciton Conversion in Field Emission Tunnel Diodes Based on MIS-Type van der Waals Heterostack

Shunfeng's paper titled Efficient Carrier-to-Exciton Conversion in Field Emission Tunnel Diodes Based on MIS-Type van der Waals Heterostack is published in Nano Letters!


News |
Farewell Bian Gang

We thank Bian Gang for being part of the team and wish him the best of luck for his future endeavors!


Members |
Welcome Daniele

Warm welcome to our new group member, Daniele Vella!

Publications |
Determination of Crystal Axes in Semimetallic T′-MoTe2 by Polarized Raman Spectroscopy

Junyong's paper titled Determination of Crystal Axes in Semimetallic T′-MoTe2 by Polarized Raman Spectroscopy is published in Advanced Functional Materials!


Members |
Welcome Bian Gang

Warm welcome to our visitor Bian Gang from Jiangnan University!

News |

Happy New Year!

News |
9th Singapore International Chemistry Conference

Congratulations to Junyong and Zhang Qi for receiving Best Poster Awards, and Shisheng for his wonderful presentation at SICC9!


News |
Congratulations to Shunfeng

Congratulations to Shunfeng for completing his Ph.D oral defense!

News |

Dr. Goki Eda now serves as an Associate Editor for new Nature partner journal: npj 2D Materials and Applications

News |
Professor Martin Pumera's top pick publication!

Dr. Li Shisheng's paper is selected as top pick publications in Applied Materials Today by Professor Martin Pumera!

News |
Welcome, welcome!

Warm welcome to our new Ph.D student Mr. Lee Yuan Zhe and new FYP student, Mr. Tan Choon Zhe!

News |
Congratulations Jenna!

Congratulation to Jenna for finishing her internship in NMD Lab!

News |
Congratulations Kiran!

Congratulation to Kiran for successfully completing his Ph.D oral defense!

Publications |
Evidence for Fast Interlayer Energy Transfer in MoSe2/WS2 Heterostructures

Dr. Kozawa's paper on interlayer energy transfer in MoSe2/WS2 heterostructures is published in Nano Letters!


News |
A very warm welcome to Jenna

Warm welcome to our visiting research student Jenna from Rutgers University!

News |
MRS Best Poster Award

Congratulation to Dr. Li Shisheng for winning the MRS Best Poster Award at MRS Spring Meeting in Phoenix. His poster is titled: "Halide-Assisted Atmospheric Pressure Growth of Large WSe2 and WS2 Monolayer Crystals."


News |
Congrats to Wenjie and Samuel for completing their poster presentations!

Congratulation to Wenjie and Samuel for finishing their poster presentation for NUS Chemistry Honours Project.


Publications |
Exciton–Plasmon Coupling and Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Monolayer Semiconductors Hybridized with Ag Nanoparticles

Dr. Weijie's paper on exciton-plasmon coupling in monolayer TMDC and Ag nanoparticles hybrid system has been published in Advanced Materials!


Publications |
Effect of oxygen and ozone on p-type doping of ultra-thin WSe2 and MoSe2 field effect transistors

Shunfeng's paper on the p-type doping effect of oxygen and ozone on mono- and few-layer WSe2 and MoSe2 FET has been published in Physical Chemistry Physical Physics!


News |
A featured publication

Prof. Eda co-authored a paper published in Nature on the correlation between charge density wave (CDW) and superconductivity in atomically thin 1T-TiSe2 encapsulated within two dimensional layers of hBN. The study also demonstrates the manipulation of CDW and superconductivity by application of electric field. The study is featured by NUS Department of Physics.

News |
Welcome Hong En!

Warm welcome to our new visiting post-doc Dr. Hong En Lim from Nagoya University!

News |
Happy New Year!

Wishing everybody a very happy and fruitful year ahead!

News |
Congratulations to Leiqiang on passing his Ph.D oral examination!

Congratulation to Dr. Leiqiang for passing his PhD Oral Examination!

Publications |
Halide-assisted atmospheric pressure growth of large WSe2 and WS2 monolayer crystals

Shisheng's paper on the halide-assisted chemical vapor deposition of WSe2 and WS2 monolayers is published in Applied Materials Today! This article is featured in Materials Today!


News |
Welcome Eric!

Warm welcome to our new group member Eric Linardy from National University of Singapore!

News |
Congratulations Prof. Eda!

Congratulations to Prof. Eda for winning the President's Science and Technology Award!

Publications |
Strong Optical Absorption and Photocarrier Relaxation in 2-D Semiconductors

Rajeev's and Ivan's paper on the strong optical absorption of monolayer MoS2 is published in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics!


News |
We welcome our FYP students!

We welcome four final year project students: Wenjie, Justin, Samuel and Leng Kiat! All the best!

News |
Farewell, Huilong!

We wish the best of luck to Dr. Huilong for moving on to the next stage of his career!

News |
Congratulations Prof. Eda!

Congratulations to Prof. Eda for winning the University Young Researcher Award!

News |
Congrats to our FYP students!

We congratulate Yvonne, Kennison and Nurul Hanna for the completion of their FYP. All the best for your examinations!

Publications |
Electronic transport properties of transition metal dichalcogenide field-effect devices: surface and interface effects

Schmidt's review paper on the surface and interface effects on the electronic transport properties of 2D TMDs is published in Chemical Society Reviews!


News |
Farewell Hennrik!

We wish all the best to Dr. Schmidt for moving on to the next stage of his career!

News |

Dr. Damien Voiry from Prof. Manish Chhowalla's group is visiting us for 2 weeks. Welcome!

News |
Welcome Zhang Qi!

We welcome our new group member Zhang Qi from Soochow University!

News |
Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a very happy new year!

Publications |
Electronic Structure and Optical Signatures of Semiconducting Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets

Weijie's review paper on the optical signatures of 2D TMDs is published in Accounts of Chemical Research!


Publications |
Charge transport in ion-gated mono-, bi- and trilayer MoS2 field effect transistors

Leiqiang and Hennrik's paper on high density charge transport properties of MoS2 is published in Scientific Reports!


News |
Congratulations Prof. Eda!

Congratulations to Prof. Eda for winning the NUS Young Scientist Award!

News |
Farewell Francesco!

Best of luck to Francesco with his new job!


News |
Welcome Jiang Pu!

We welcome our visitor Jiang Pu from Waseda University! He will work with us for the next 2 months.

News |
New group photo

Check out our new group photo!

News |
RPGR poster prize

Congratulation to Leiqiang for winning the poster prize at the RPGR meeting in Taipei!

Members |
Welcome Huilong & Junyong!

We welcome our new group members Dr Huilong Xu from University of Notre Dame and Junyong Wang from Nanjing University!

Members |
Welcome to the group!

We welcome three final year project students, Yvonne, Hanna, and Kennison!

Publications |
Wet chemical thinning of molybdenum disulfide down to its monolayer

Kiran's paper on wet chemical thinning of MoS2 is published in APL Materials!


Publications |
Photocarrier relaxation pathway in two-dimensional semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides

Daichi's paper on photocarrier relaxation in monolayer TMDs is published in Nature Communications!


News |
KOSMOS Summer University 2014

We had great fun at KOSMOS Summer University 2014! We thank the organizers at Humboldt University of Berlin.


News |
Flatlands Beyong Graphene 2014 Poster Award

Congratulations to Rajeev for winning the poster award at the Flatlands Beyond Graphene 2014 meeting in Trinitiy College Dublin!

Members |
Welcome to the group!

Warm welcome to our new group members, Francesco and Shisheng!

News |
New group photo

We have a new group photo!

Publications |
Transport Properties of Monolayer MoS2 Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition

Hennrik's paper on the transport properties of CVD MoS2 is published in Nano Letters!

MARCH 18, 2014


Members |

We welcome our visitor Dr. Yohei Ishida from Tokyo Metropolitan University!

News |
IPS Omicron Nanotechnology Award

Congratulations to Prof. Eda for recieving the IPS Omicron Nanotechnology award!

News |
Congratulations Weijie!

Congratulations to Weijie for the arrival of his baby girl!


News |
Farewell, 2013!

Happy New Year!

News |
A big thank you!

Thank you for all those who made the 2D Materials Beyond Graphene Workshop a success!


News |
Poster prizes!

Congratulations to Hennrik and Kiran for winning the poster award at the 2D Materials Beyond Graphene Workshop!

Members |
Welcome Ivan!

We welcome our new group member Ivan from Free University Berlin!

Publications |
Origin of Indirect Optical Transitions in Few-Layer MoS2, WS2, and WSe2

Our work on the origin of indirect optical transition from few-layer TMDs is published in Nano Letters!


News |
Farewell Mingling & Jayeeta!

We wish best of luck to Minglin and Jayeeta for moving on to the next stage of their career!

Members |

We welcome our new Ph.D student Rajeev for joining the group!

Publications |
Lattice dynamics in mono- and few-layer sheets of WS2 and WSe2

Our work on the Raman signatures of 2D WS2 and WSe2 sheets is published in Nanoscale!


Members |
Welcome Daichi!

We welcome our student visitor Daichi Kozawa from Prof. Matsuda's group at Kyoto University!

Publications |
Two-Dimensional Crystals: Managing Light for Optoelectronics

Prof. Eda's Perspective article on the optoelectronics of 2D crystals is published online in ACS Nano!


Publications |
Enhanced catalytic activity in strained chemically exfoliated WS2 nanosheets for hydrogen evolution

Our collaboration work on elecrocatalysis of chemically exfoliated WS2 has been published in Nature Materials!


Publications |
Photoelectrochemical properties of chemically exfoliated MoS2

Our work on photoelectrochemical properties of chemically exfoliated MoS2 has been published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A.


News |
Farewell, Ajay!

Best of luck to Ajay for taking the next step in his career at IIT Mandi.

Members |
Welcome Minglin!

We welcome our new group member Minglin Toh from Nanyang Technological University!

Publications |

A Nature Chemistry review paper on layered transition metal dichalcogenides co-authored by Prof. Eda is available online.

Members |
Welcome Hennrik!

We welcome our new group member Hennrik Schmidt from University of Hannover!

Members |
A very warm welcome, Laurie!

Laurie King from Imperial College London is visiting us for one months. Welcome and enjoy the sunshine!

News |
Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year!

Publications |
Evolution of Electronic Structure in Atomically Thin Sheets of WS2 and WSe2

Our paper on photoluminescence spectroscopy study on WS2 and WSe2 is published online in ACS Nano.


News |
New group photo!

Our group photo is updated!

Members |
Welcome Zimei!

We welcome our new Ph.D student Zimei from Lanzhou University!

Members |
Welcome Jayeeta!

We welcome our new group member Jayeeta from Brookhaven National Lab!

Members |
Welcome Jing Ren & Swee Fong!

We welcome our new undergraduate group members Pang Jing Ren and Wong Swee Fong!

Members |
Welcome Shunfeng!

Shunfeng Wang joins our group from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Welcome!

Facilities |
Check out our new facilities page!

Facilities page is updated.

Publications |
Coherent Atomic and Electronic Heterostructures of Single-Layer MoS2

Our paper on the atomic structure of chemically exfoliated MoS2 is published in ACS Nano.


News |
Visit by Prof. Manish Chhowalla!

Prof. Manish Chhowalla from Rutgers University visits our group for a month and half.

Members |
Welcome Joachim & Maryam!

Joachim Dias from Imperial College London and Maryam Salehi from Rutgers University join our group as summer interns.

Positions |
New recruitment page!

Recruitment page is updated.

News |
New group photo!

Our group photo is added.

Members |
Welcome Weijie!

We have a new group member Weijie from the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS. Wecome!

Members |

We welcome our new group members, Leiqiang, Kiran, and Stanley!

News |
Our website goes live!

Our website is now live!

Publications |
Photoluminescence from Chemically Exfoliated MoS2

Our paper on Photoluminescence from Chemically Exfoliated MoS2 is published in Nano Letters.
