Nominations for 29th Management Committee Open
25 July 2015
[Nominations are open till 14 August 2015]
All too soon, another year has gone by, and it is time for the 28th NUS Physics Society Management Committee to pass down the baton to a new generation.
Have you enjoyed the events that have been put together by the NUS Physics Society? Or do you think that you can do better? If you would like to contribute towards the NUS Physics community, then do consider stepping up and joining the next Management Committee!
For more details on the positions available and the major activities that the NUS Physics Society is involved in, please click here. You may also want to browse around on our website to find out more about all the exciting happenings that have been going on.
To nominate yourself for the 29th Management Committee, please visit:
Nominations are open until midnight of 14 August 2015 (Friday). Freshmen are most welcome to apply. However, please take note that:
- The position of President is not open for nomination.
- The positions of Vice-President, General Secretary and Treasurer are classified as EXCO positions.
- Freshmen are only eligible for non-EXCO positions.
- Applicants interested in any of these three EXCO positions should follow the instructions in the nomination form.
- The Management Committee functions as a whole and members should expect to help out for most of the events.
For any further enquiries, please contact
The 29th Management Committee will be formally elected during our 29th Annual General Meeting, which will be held on 17 August 2015 (Monday), 6.30pm, at the Physics Conference Room (S13 Level M). All Physics students and interested parties are welcome to attend the event.
Physics Orientation Camp 2015 Freshie Sign-ups
11 May 2015
[Applications are closed]
Joining NUS Physics as a freshie in the upcoming academic year? Want to meet like-minded people, make new friends and have a fun bonding time before the academic year kicks off?
Wait no further: the NUS Physics Orientation Camp 2015 will be happening on 6-8 July 2015 (Mon-Wed)! There will be a fun-filled Campus Tour, cycling, as well as numerous other highlights that are sure to make your 3 days with us worthwhile!
For more details and to sign up for the camp, please visit:
Sign-ups are open until midnight of 30 June 2015 (Sun). For any further enquiries, please contact
We look forward to seeing you at the camp!
All the Best for Exams!
27 Apr 2015
Past Year Paper Database Updated
22 Apr 2015
Once again, the examination season looms by on the horizon. It is the time for mugging and of course, practicing past year exam papers. Did you know that the NUS Physics Society maintains a database of past year exam questions and solutions at
A dedicated team is in the midst of revamping and updating the solution database. The updated solutions are highlighted in yellow and have been verified by NUS Physics alumni. Currently, the solutions that have been updated are: PC1143 AY12/13 and PC1143 AY13/14. Of course, the solutions for the exams from the various other physics modules and years are still available as well, and these will be updated in due course.
We hope that these solutions will prove useful to you in your exam preparations, and we wish you all the best in the upcoming examinations!
Physics Enrichment Camp 2015 Helper Recruitment
19 Apr 2015
[Applications are still open]

The Physics Department is currently recruiting helpers for the Physics Enrichment Camp 2015.
The Physics Enrichment Camp is an annual day camp for secondary and JC students. It aims to instill an interest in and appreciation of Physics among the students through providing a highly interactive and wonderful learning experience.
If you are looking for something meaningful and engaging to do during the summer break or want to inspire youths through fun and exciting activities, then wait no further: sign up as a helper for the Physics Enrichment Camp today at!
There will a total of four sessions available - on the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th of June, and you may choose to help out on any one or more of the days. Helpers will be remunerated at an attractive rate of S$50/day, and breakfast and lunch will also be provided.
Do note that:
(1) There will be a briefing held on 12th May (Tues).
(2) There will be a trial run of the activities in the week before the actual event (to be held some time between 2 - 5 June).
For more details, please visit our website or contact us at
NUS Physics Orientation Camp 2015 Senior Recruitment
26 Mar 2015
[Applications are now closed.]

NUS Physics Orientation Camp '15 is now recruiting seniors! Enjoyed the inaugural orientation camp held earlier this year? Or have you heard about the great and exciting experience from your friends? Want to have fun with your friends and also shape the experiences of the future generation of physics majors?
Sign up today at! Applications are open from now till 15th May.
The camp will take place from 6-8 July, with a prep camp on 22-23 June. For any inquiries or clarifications, please contact
Visualising Crystal Structures via a Hands-On Approach by Prof Sow Chorng Haur
11th Mar 2015

As part of our ongoing workshop/talk series, we are pleased to announce that Prof Sow Chorng Haur will be conducting a workshop, The Mind-Boggling Stack of Tennis Balls: Visualising Crystal Structures via a Hands-On Approach.
Visualising three-dimensional crystal structures can often be challenging. In this workshop, Prof Sow will be using the simple-yet-insightful activity of stacking tennis balls to help students gain an intuitive and hands-on appreciation of crystal structures, their geometry and conventional unit cells. Join us for an afternoon of fun and learning!
The workshop will be held on 18th March 2015 (Wednesday) from 2-4pm at the Physics Conference Room. Interested participants are required to sign up here: spaces are limited. Do act fast, as spaces are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis!
Prof Sow Chorng Haur is presently the Head of the Physics Department in NUS. Apart from being actively involved in research, Prof Sow also has a keen interest in teaching pedagogy. A fellow of the NUS Teaching Academy, he constantly devises innovative teaching methods to help students grasp difficult concepts more effectively and efficiently.
Lunar New Year Celebrations 2015
12th Feb 2015
We will be holding our annual Lunar New Year celebration on 16th Feb (Mon), 6pm, at the Physics Conference Room. Come on down to join us for an evening of prosperity, exciting games, dinner, and a mass lou hei session as we usher in the Year of the Goat. There will be attractive prizes and ang pows to be given out as well!
At the same time, don't forget to take part in our CNY Instagram Contest! Simply snap a photo related to the Lunar New Year and upload it to Instagram with the hashtag #NUSPhysics, and you may walk away with a Starbucks gift card!
Physics and Beyond by Dr Yeo Ye
8th Feb 2015
The NUS Physics Society is organising a series of talks and workshops in the coming weeks. The series aims to provide inspiration, enrichment as well as useful advice to physics majors in areas ranging from academic to careers.
For the inaugural talk, we are pleased to have Dr Yeo Ye presenting on Physics and Beyond. Dr Yeo is currently Assistant Dean (Student Life) in the Faculty of Science, and is often actively involved in helping students discover and embark on their plans after graduation. Leveraging on his years of experience, Dr Yeo will be discussing on how to make the most of the physics education in NUS, and provide practical advice and tips to students on internships, careers and graduate studies. If you are still wondering or unsure about your post-graduation plans, this talk provides a good platform for you to find out more about the various prospects and options that are open, as well as how to prepare for and work towards those goals.
The talk will be held on 11th Feb (Wednesday), from 2pm to 4pm at the Physics Conference Room. As there are limited spaces available, do register at this link: if you are interested in attending.
Physoc T-Shirt Design Competition 2015
26 Jan 2015
The annual NUS Physics Society T-Shirt Design Competition is here again! Have an idea for an awesome-looking T-shirt? Want to see others wearing your creation? Then this is your chance!
Simply send in your original designs with the following requirements:
- Include the words "NUS Physics"
- Limited to a maximum of three colours
- Brief description of the design concept
The contest will be open till 1st Mar 2015. To participate, send in your designs, together with the short writeup, to The most popular designs stand to win attractive prizes!
The full set of terms and conditions may be found here.
LaTeX Workshop
22 Jan 2015

The NUS Math Society LaTeXify Team, in cooperation with the NUS Physics Society, is organising a LaTex workshop on 28th Jan 2015 (Wed), 7.00pm to 9.00pm at LT31.
LaTeX is virtually the standard document preparation system for papers in physics, mathematics, and most sciences. It's one of the most popular, versatile, and adaptable ways to produce professional documents involving equations. Beyond these, LaTex also comes with a host of other features that streamline the entire formatting process.
It is a highly useful skill that we strongly recommend that every Physics major should have a basic grasp of. It is particularly relevant to students who are writing their theses, UROPS reports or in fact, any scientific report.
To attend, register now at
Participants are required to bring their own laptop computers. There will be light refreshments provided as well. For any inquiries or clarifications, please contact
Official Release of New NUS Physics Society Website
19 Jan 2015
What better way to mark the start of the new calendar year than a long overdue revamp of the NUS Physics Society website? The website has undergone a major design overhaul in order to make it more appealing aesthetically as well as much more user-friendly.
At the same time, we are also introducing several new features, most notably the Video of the Week. Every week, we will highlight a new physics-related video. The selected videos will cover a wide variety of issues, ranging from academic to pedagogical or even introspective in nature. Through these videos, we hope to inspire students, broaden the horizons of their physics knowledge and stimulate thinking and reflection.
We hope you will find the new website useful and easy to navigate. Any comments or suggestions are most certainly welcome, and may be addressed to the Publicity Team at
Latest Issue of Momentum Magazine Now Available
15 Jan 2015

After months of hard work spent editing and designing, the Publications team is proud to present the latest issue of annual NUS Physics Society publication, Momentum.
The current issue covers a diverse span of interesting topics, ranging from book reviews to a description of the inner workings of the Large Hadron Collider and even an article by a senior describing his NUS Overseas College experience. A detachable copy of the handy Module Mindmap is also included.
We certainly hope the magazine would be an enjoyable and inspirational read for you!
Physical copies of the magazine are available at any of the three Physics teaching laboratories. Past issues of the magazine may also be accessed here.
NUS Physics Orientation Camp 2015 Subcomm Recruitment
16 Nov 2014
[Applications are now closed. Thank you for your support. For those who interested in participating as OGLs or station masters, keep a look out for the recruitment drive in the upcoming months!]

NUS Physics Orientation Camp '15 is now recruiting committee members! Enjoyed the inaugural orientation camp held earlier this year? Or have you heard about the great and exciting experience from your friends? Well, here's a chance for you to be part of the next camp, where you will not only get to have fun with your friends but also shape the experiences of the future generation of physics majors!
Sign up today at this link. Applications are open from now till 12th Dec.
The camp is projected to be a 3D2N stayover camp held in NUS tentatively held from 13-15 July 2015 (Mon-Wed). A prep camp will likely take place from 29-30 June 2015 (Mon-Tues). Most of the planning will be done throughout Semester 2 with biweekly meetings.
A Halloween of Lasers, Apples and Spherical Cats
29 Oct 2014
"When witches go riding, and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween."

Halloween is round the corner again, and we have a slew of exciting activities for you to beat the end-of-semester blues. Come down to our booth outside LT25 on the 30th and 31st of October (Thu and Fri) for an exhilarating Halloween of laser tag, apple bobbing and spherical cats.
Yes, you read that right – we will be hosting laser tag matches on 30th and 31st Oct in the evening between 6.30pm and 9.30pm. Form teams with your friends and gear up for thrilling 5 v 5 combat that will challenge you both physically and mentally. Do come on down to our booth early to register for the matches in advance to avoid disappointment.
There will also be an apple bobbing minigame at our booth, featuring a spin on the traditional Halloween game. How fast do you think you can bite an apple off a string? The fastest apple bobbers stand to win attractive prizes.
Last but not least, our popular spherical cat T-shirts have been fully restocked and will be available for sale at our booth. Do grab them while stocks last!
For the latest updates on the Halloween events, please visit and like our Facebook page at
Do spread the word to your friends (including non-physics ones), and we hope to see you there on the 30th and 31st for an exciting Halloween!
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations 2014
10th Sept 2014

The NUS Physics Society will be holding our annual Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations this coming Thursday (11 Sept):
Venue: Bird Plant Garden (Behind S13, near the S12 carpark)
Time: 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm
Come join us for an fun and heart-warming evening of games, good food and friendship! An exciting range of activities await you. Take the opportunity to interact and mingle with fellow physics students and even faculty, all while enjoying a barbeque dinner under the night sky. Participate in our various carnival games and stand a chance to win attractive prizes.
Finally, we will end the event off on a resounding note with a sky lantern launch, where you can pen down your wishes. May your wishes come true!
Looking forward to the event already? Because we ourselves certainly are! Hope to see you there on Thursday!
#NUSPhysics Mid-Autumn Festival Instagram Contest
6th Sept 2014
[ Thanks to all who participated in the contest. The winning entries may be viewed here]

As part of the launch of our social media platforms, and in conjunction with the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations, NUS Physics Society is holding an Instagram contest from now till 12th September (Friday).
Simply snap a photograph of a scene, activity, or anything under the sun (or moon) that is in some way inspired by or related to the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Then, upload the photograph to Instagram with the hashtag #nusphysics by 12th September (Friday).
Let your creative juices flow, and who knows, you might just be one of the three lucky winners to walk away with attractive prizes! So, what are you waiting for?
NUS Physics : Now on Social Media
6th Sept 2014
As part of our ongoing effort to engage the physics community better, the NUS Physics Society is pleased to announce the launch of our new Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram feeds. Follow us today at:
to receive the latest updates and news about Physoc and the NUS physics community.
Alumni Sharing Session
2nd Sept 2014

A distinguished physics alumnus, Mr Winston Tan, will be holding a sharing session on 12 September (Friday) from 11am to 2pm at the Physics Conference Room.
Mr Winston Tan has extensive experience working in the banking and corporate sector, and will be sharing his experiences and success story. If you ever wanted to find out more about career opportunities in the banking or corporate sector, this session is surely not to be missed.
As spaces are limited, do register at this link: if you are interested in attending. Lunch will be provided for all attendees.
28th NUS Physics Society Management Committee
28th Aug 2014
The 27th Management Committee of the NUS Physics Society held its final Annual General Meeting last Tuesday, during which the new Management Committee was elected.
We are pleased to announce the members of the 28th Management Committee:
President | Lee Yuan Zhe |
Vice President | Xu Xiansong |
Honorary General Secretary | Hue Jun Hao |
Honorary Assistant General Secretary | Kenneth Ho Kang Neng |
Honorary General Treasurer | Hew Kai Ming |
Honorary Assistant General Treasurer | Goh Qi Xuan Benjamin |
Honorary Publications Director | Goh Sor Ee Lloyd |
Honorary Assistant Publications Director | Wesley Wong Lee Wei |
Honorary Publicity Director | Kho Zhe Wei |
Honorary Assistant Publicity Director | Adrian Nugraha Utama |
Honorary Event Master | Yong Kenneth |
Honorary Assistant Event Masters | Teo Kar Seng Darren |
| Aaron Chong Jun Hao |
Honorary Welfare Director | Yeo Zhen Yuan |
Honorary Resource Director | Ignatius William Primaatmaja |
The 28th Management Committee looks forward to a fruitful and exciting year ahead with plenty of events, both academic and non-academic, in store for the physics community!