Physics Enrichment Camp 2015


The Physics Enrichment Camp is an annual camp for secondary and junior college-level students, jointly organised by the NUS Physics Department and the NUS Physics Society, and sponsored by the Ministry of Education.

The camp primarily aims to instil an interest in and appreciation of Physics amongst the students through providing a highly interactive and wonderful learning experience.

Students will be exposed to various exciting aspects of physics through a series of activities including interesting lectures, tours of cutting-edge research facilities and hands-on demonstrations.


The Physics Enrichment Camp 2015 is a one-day event that aims to give participants a wonderful learning experience. The camp will be held at the premises of the Faculty of Science in NUS.

The camp is divided into two separate categories, one for junior college-level students, and the other for secondary-level students. The activities will be designed to suit the interest and level of the students.

For each category, there are two available sessions: 8th or 9th June 2015 (Secondary-level) and 10th or 11th June 2015 (Junior College-level).Both sessions will be identical, and students may choose to attend either one.

Secondary (8th / 9th June)

For the Secondary-level students, the tentative programme lineup consists of laboratory tours coupled with hands-on activities, interactive sessions and physics demonstrations. The students will be divided into small groups and will rotate among the various different stations. They will be exposed to sophisticated research techniques in Physics using instruments such as Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Diffraction. More details will be available at a later date.

0800 – 0900         Registration (at NUS LT27)
0900 – 1300         Lab tours and hands-on activities/demonstrations
1300 – 1400         Lunch
1400 – 1700         Lab tours and hands-on activities/demonstrations
1700 – 1800         Concluding Session

Junior College (10th / 11th June)

For the Junior College students, the tentative programme lineup consists of a series of lectures in the morning followed by lab tours and hands-on activities or demonstrations in the afternoon. More details will be available at a later date.

0800 – 0900         Registration (at NUS LT27)
0900 – 1000         Lecture 1
1000 – 1100         Lecture 2
1100 – 1130         Break
1130 – 1215         Lecture 3
1215 – 1330         Lunch
1330 – 1730         Lab tours and hands-on activities/demonstrations
1730 – 1810         Concluding Session


The registration fee for the Physics Enrichment Camp is S$16.05/- (inclusive of GST) per student. The fee includes lunch and light refreshments. There will be no fee levied for accompanying teachers.

Teachers may register for their students by filling up the form attached below and emailing it back to us:
Registration for PEC 2015

Detailed instructions may be found within the form itself.

Registration will be open till 15th May 2015. However, early registration is advised as there are limited vacancies available for each session.

Payment may be done via e-transfer to the NUS Physics Department (preferred), or by cash or cheque.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the camp about?

  2. This camp aims to expose students to the beauty and importance of physics in a semi-formal setting. We hope to let students understand that physics is not only an extremely interesting field of study that sometimes involves esoteric phenomena, but also one that is especially relevant in various aspects of our daily lives. We further seek to break the common misconception that physics is a difficult subject, and demonstrate that it can in fact be fun to learn.

  3. What can the students expect to learn?

  4. Key concepts and ideas in physics. However, it will be a totally different learning experience via hands-on activities, interacting with our demonstrators, and understanding how quantitative experiments are being designed and carried out in the laboratories.Students will also be exposed to some of the research areas and problems within physics.

  5. Do the students need to prepare anything?

  6. No, the students need not read up or prepare beforehand. However, students are encouraged to come with an open mind and positive learning attitude in order to gain the most out of the camp.

  7. How long is the camp?

  8. The camp is a one-day long event for both the junior college and secondary-level categories. However, for each category, there will be two separate sessions on different days. Students need only attend one of the two sessions as they are identical.

  9. What is the fee for each participant?

  10. The registration fee for the camp is S$16.05 inclusive of 7% GST per student(lunch and refreshments will be provided).

  11. What are the payment methods?

  12. Schools are advised to pay by e-transfer to our department upon receiving the e-invoice. We accept payment by cash or cheque as well.

  13. What type of attire must the students be in?

  14. The students should be properly attired in their school uniform.

  15. Is it necessary for teachers to attend the enrichment camp as well?

  16. No, teachers are not required to accompany their students throughout the camp. However, we strongly encourage teachers to do so, as we hope to foster stronger bonds between the teachers and the students, and create a shared experience that teachers can draw upon to further motivate and inspire their students. There will be no fee levied for accompanying teachers.

  17. Where do the students have to report?

  18. The registration for the Physics Enrichment Camp will be at the atrium of LT27 (Lim Seng Tjoe Lecture Theatre).

    From Kent Ridge MRT Station
    Walk to Kent Ridge Station bus-stop and take NUS Shuttle Service A1. Alight at Lim Seng Tjoe Lecture Theatre (LT27) bus-stop (two bus-stops away).

    From Buona Vista MRT Station
    Transfer to SBS Service 95 and alight at Lim Seng Tjoe Lecture Theatre (LT27) bus-stop.

    Bus Services 96 and 151
    Alight at one of the bus-stops within NUS and take NUS Shuttle Service A2. Alight at the S17 bus-stop and cross the pedestrian crossing to LT27.

    Bus Services 97, 197, 198 and 963
    Alight at the bus-stop at/opposite ITE Dover along AYE. Follow the sheltered walkway towards S17 and cross the pedestrian crossing to LT27.

Contact Person

For further information and general enquries regarding the Physics Enrichment Camp, please contact

Mr Samuel Wu
Tel: 6516 2634

Dr Nidhi Sharma
Tel: 6516 2959


Physics Department, Blk S12
Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore
2 Science Drive 3
Singapore 117551