The IPS Prize and Medal Awards are generously sponsored by: World Scientific Pte. Ltd., Research Instruments Singapore, Crescendas Group and Cadi Scientific Pte. Ltd. 2013 IPS Medallists1) The IPS President's Medal
As a physicist, Prof. Venky is an outstanding researcher and is very well known for his work on high temperature superconductor and oxides. Some of these work broke new grounds and are well cited. Dr. Venky is also an entrepreneur. He set up and has been involved in a company, Neocera. Last year, Venky was awarded the George E. Pake Prize by American Physical Society (APS) "for his exemplary scientific career in research, industrial leadership, and guidance of new generations of physicists in the creation of new ventures by innovation". 2) The World Scientific (Physics Research) Medal and Prize
Prof. Oezyilmaz' outstanding contributions to the understanding the basic science of graphene lie primarily in the areas of spin transport and electron transport in highly doped graphene. In particular, in the area of spin transport, he contributed broadly and he is one of the three leading PIs of the field. His recent demonstration of the spin Hall Effect in graphene (published in Nature Physics) is considered a major breakthrough in establishing graphene as a promising spintronics material. He was also among the first to demonstrate electronics transport under ultra-high doping. Because of these results, he is regularly and frequently invited to key graphene conferences. 3) The Omicron Nanotechnology Medal and Prize (Nanotechnology Physics Research)
Dr. Goki Eda is internationally recognized for his work on semiconducting two-dimensional (2D) crystals such as MoS2. He has a unique expertise in producing such 2D crystals through a chemical method. Dr. Eda's work on the use of these materials as electrocatalysts led to further remarkable findings. He showed that exfoliated sheets of WS2 catalyze hydrogen evolution reaction at impressively low over potentials comparable to those of Pt. These results are encouraging from a technological point of view. He found that the enhanced catalytic activity of the material is strongly related to the heterogeneous phase structure of WS2. Dr. Eda Goki played a key role in clarifying the atomic structure the material and its potential impact on the reaction kinetics. These findings shed light on the novel approach to making TMDC catalytically active. Besides the above-mentioned applied research, Dr. Eda also conducted fundamental studies on the behavior of phonons and excitons in TMDC. He demonstrated that evolution of the band structure due to geometrical confinement and interlayer coupling leads to substantial changes in the optical properties of the material. His findings provide key parameters that enable development of optoelectronic devices based on 2D materials. 4) The Crescendas Physics Medal and Prize (Secondary School / Junior College)
Dr. Lim is a trained experimental particle physicist and currently, the Head of Centre for Talent Development at HCI. Under his outstanding guidance, many of students were accepted by prestigious Universities and awarded prizes in physics projects and competitions. He was instrumental to reviving the HCI's Astronomy group 7 years ago. He was part of the ZEUS collaboration in Hamburg, Germany. ZEUS is a large detector at the DESY high High Energy Physics electron-proton collider, HERA, for the study of high energy interactions between electrons and protons. He had also held post-doctoral positions at Louisiana State University, Penn State University (USA), and McGill University (Canada).
Mr. Alfred Tan Yong Liang (Vice Principal, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School)
Mr. Alfred Tan is an amateur astronomer and outstanding astronomy communicator. He generously shares his knowledge of the skies with other school teachers and students. Several of his astronomy works are being used overseas. The latest one was by CNYO (Central New York Observers & Observing), an organisation based in Syracuse, NY. CNYO used one of his solar images in their public outreach brochures. They can be found at: Prior to joining the Ministry of Education (MOE), he was the Head of Logistics Branch (SAF), Air Defence Systems Division and was conferred the National Day Commendation Medal (Military) in 2003. Although he is an engineer, his keen interest in fundamental ideas of physics also led to build the Maris Stella High School Observatory for his secondary school students. 5) The Cadi Scientific Medal and Prize: The Public Awareness of Physics Award
For many years of outstanding contributions as Vice Dean of NUS Science faculty where she was also engaged actively in physics outreach, especially through the "Venus Transit" (2012, hosted Prof. Roy Kerr who pioneered the theory for the rotating black hole), "Venus Symphony at NUS UTown Green" (hosted music composer, Dr. Robert Casteels) and "Rhapsody on an Equatorial Evening" (2006, hosted Prof. Jocelyn Bell who spoke on Discovery of Neutron Stars)). Many of Prof. Chin's outreach efforts in the physical sciences have been reported in numerous newspapers and invited media (radio & TV) interviews. 6) IPS Distinguished Honorary Fellowship
Prof. Harald Fritzsch (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen) For outstanding contribution in physics and demonstrating excellence, inspiration, innovation and leadership in promoting physics research and education in Singapore and the World. |
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